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Srikanth Javvaji

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    12 comments  ·  General  ·  Admin →

    Are you aware of the ability to send reminders, or comment on specific expenses? You can send an email to a fellow group member by clicking on their name in the right sidebar, then clicking the “Send reminder” button. You can leave comments on specific expenses by clicking the expense, then entering a comment in the comment box – the other people involved in the bill should get an email about your comment. I hope that helps!

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    Srikanth Javvaji commented  · 

    Members of the group better to have a feature to send a request to another member who spent money for a bill.

    Ex: Person A, B went for movie and dinner. Person A paid for movie reservation and B paid for dinner reservation. Later Person A added his expense. But Person B yet to add the bill. Now I feel to have a feature to remind Person B to add a bill.

    Srikanth Javvaji supported this idea  · 

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