750 results found
Toggle open and close Groups and Friendds
Make the side bar max height for that of the viewport height. Make the Groups and Friends sections toggleable close / open and scroll bars within.
Prioritize payments and do calculations based on them. Say an old payment exists in my dashboard and i don't wanna delete or settle it but just ignore about it when seeing my total.
Make dashboard items selectable so that i can calculate or get a total based on the selection items from my dashboard.
Same scenario mentioned above with selection of friends and groups from side bar or on a new page would be…
1 voteThanks for the suggestions – I’ll pass them on! We haven’t done any major work on our web app for a while, so I imagine we might be redesigning some things later this year.
Previous feature for iOS was better
Previously it showed curved left to right arrow sign when I owe someone and right to left arrow sign when someone owes me while adding some bill. That was better.
1 voteSo sorry for the trouble! I’ll pass on your feedback to the team – I know we definitely plan to keep making tweaks and improvements to the add bill form, as well as the rest of the new app.
Add office expenses
It'd be nice if there was a built-in way to add the ability to split expenses among office employees, like lunch runs.
1 voteHey there – could you give me more details on what you mean? I’m probably misunderstanding your suggestion, but you should already be able to split expenses with co-workers on Splitwise: just add your co-workers as friends (or add them to a group), then add lunch runs and more just like you would any other item on Splitwise. Hope that helps!
4 votes
Huh, very cool new idea! :)
- Jon
Add the possibility to register via facebook or G+
As per the subject
2 votesSorry for the trouble! Our Android app currently supports G+ login, and we’re looking at adding Facebook login to our iPhone app. For now, if you have an existing account with Splitwise that you created with FB or G+, you can still log in by following the steps here:
Give each group an email address
We use Splitwise to coordinate group expenses. Why not use Splitwise to coordinate group communication? It could be as simple as providing an email address that forwards to all group members.
4 votesThanks for the suggestion! Yep, we definitely want to add good group messaging – we mostly just haven’t gotten around to it yet :) Hopefully we’ll have something to show you later this year!
send out a bit of details while simplifying debts.
bravo for all your efforts team! we have been using the app for a long period of time now. A couple weeks back you guys introduced a logic that would simplify/adjustdebts accordingly. While most of auch simplifications are trivial, some are not! And the intimation mail only mentions that splitwise has adjusted debts, I request you guys to add a set of details in the same mail, which may include who all were included and before/after of debt amouts. I am also a developer, I guess this would not be a hefty change ;-) Thanks guys, keep rocking!
2 votesThanks for the suggestion! We’d love to include better details when simplifying debts, but it’s actually surprisingly hard to show those details in an intelligent way :) The math is very simple, but we’ve found that showing the complete data often confuses people – especially in very old groups, where the “unsimplified” totals might include thousands of dollars of payments to each other (which all cancel each other out).
Still, we definitely want to show more information! Hopefully we’ll be able to try a few new designs this year and find something that works. Until then, apologies for the inconvenience!
make a chrome extension that adds a "splitwise" button to transactions on Mint
I don't always remember to split a transaction as soon as it happens, or the transaction is one that I'm not physically present for (like when the power company autobills). It would be cool if there was a chrome extension that scraped data from the Mint transactions page when I visit it so that when I review my transactions on Mint I can just click a button (inserted onto the page via extension) to auto-import that transaction into Splitwise
1 voteThanks for the suggestion! We actually sort of love this idea (we’ve definitely thought about it before), though it hasn’t actually made it on to our roadmap yet, and I’m not sure if we’d do it by a Chrome extension or by some other means. In general, though, we think it would be super convenient to import expenses directly from your other accounts :) Hopefully in the future!
Make it easier to change a user in a group
Hi there! I encountered a problem where I made a typo in someone's email address, then added a bunch of expenses, and then Splitwise wouldn't let me change the user because she wasn't "settled up." I tried deleting the user from the group and adding the correct user, but it said I couldn't edit the expenses because there was a deleted member. Eventually I had to delete the entire group and start over.
2 votesVery sorry for the trouble! If a group member hasn’t logged in yet, you should be able to update their email address from the group settings page on our website, or from the friend settings screen on our mobile app. We’re working on some improvements to make this clearer, especially on mobile, so I apologize for all the unnecessary confusion!
Avatar for friends in group
Cannot add a picture to friends in group
3 votesSorry for the trouble! We don’t currently allow people to upload avatars for their friends, but I’ll pass on the suggestion.
2 votes
Thanks for the suggestion! There’s not any way to do this from our mobile apps right now, but there are a few possibilities on our website – if you go to a group, you can either pull up a printable summary (click the “view printable summary” link above each month’s expenses) or export your bills to a spreadsheet (click the settings icon at the top of the right sidebar, then click “Export as spreadhsheet”). Hope that helps a bit for now!
Allow changing of subscription values
Hi guys,
I think it would be great if we can change the values of subscription. Currently, if I want to pay more or less for you guys, I have to cancel my subscription and start a new one.
It would be nice to avoid all these tasks to change the value.
1 vote -
can total Owes you amount be in other color rather light green
can total Owes you amount be in other color rather light green? and split among groups in light green?
2 votesSorry for the trouble! I’ll pass on a note about this – that number will probably stay green, but we might be able to make it a bit darker.
Add a "bailed" option
for expenses when someone decides to not participate on a group, to split what they paid as an expense for everyone else.
2 votesInteresting suggestion! I can see how this would be useful in some unfortunate situations. For now, you could try adding a “Bailed” expense, where the person who owes the money “paid” and everyone else splits the cost.
add notes with acknowledge feature
Google Drive (sheets) already has this feature. Basically, instead of a note, you add a comment to a cell which the other person can respond to or acknowledge. So, if my roommate gives me a receipt and I disagree with a charge, I can remove that portion of it, and state my justification for changing the subtotal. That way, (s)he knows why I did it and knows to come talk to me if it doesn't make sense (e.g. where are those batteries you bought? I need some.)
1 voteThanks for the suggestion! I know the feature you’re talking about on Google Drive/Docs/Sheets, and it does come in useful sometimes. This probably won’t get added to our comments in the very near future (it’d require some cross-platform work), but I’ll pass on the suggestion and add it to our list of possible improvements.
right bar
make the gear icon at the top right not look disabled when it's not selected
3 votesThanks for the suggestion! We definitely want to make some design tweaks to the website, especially the sidebar – hopefully soon!
Set or postpone the monthly balance
It would be great if the monthly balance (washup) could be postponed or even set to a user-defined date rather than the end of the calendar month
There are 2 scenarios where u would find this useful:
1. Special events that have a fixed duration (say 3 weeks) and we collectively set a date for finalising expenses relating to the event- Sometimes routine ongoing shared expenses don't always work for monthly washup at the end of the calendar month & we may want to (for this month) set a temporary & new date (eg 5th), or a permanent repeating date
2 votesThanks for the suggestion! We’ve definitely thought about cases where people aren’t necessarily settling up at the end of each month, and I think we could do a better job adding features for that. I don’t think we’re likely to allow users to shift the monthly summary itself, but I’d love to add support for additional messages for things like group trips and other short-term events. I’ll pass on a note about this at our next design meeting!
1 vote
Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll pass this on for the next time we consider updating the guest calculator.
Group summary
A group would have many transactions that are not split equally. And so it is very useful to know exactly what the status of a particular group is. Total group's expenditure, my share, etc.
2 votes -
organise the dashboard
can organise your dashboard, so often used friends/groups are on top of the page/app or you can organise manualy
1 voteHey Frederique – I’ll pass on your suggestion! For now, you could try tapping on the total balance boxes at the top of the screen (“you owe”, “you are owed”, “total balance”), which will filter your list of friends and show only the people that you have balances with. Hopefully that helps a little!