869 results found
Auto populate share amount when editing Split
When editing a precious Split. I would like to have the share amount auto populate. You could either store the original shares input, or just use the split dollar amount (since that should be the same as the shares in application).
Please ask for any clarifications.
1 vote -
Make it so that adding yourself (or other people) to expenses isn't a dumb, cumbersome, mess.
Like, the whole point here is to make it simple and easy to divide up expenses. So how come when people add themselves to a split, they have to go through and manually open, edit, and type in their name for every single expense there?
This website is not new. This feature is so basic that it should have been part of the initial launch and here we are years later, having a dozen people each clicking around for 5 minutes to accomplish what a single person should be able to do in 10 seconds.
3 votes -
Add venmo id/ zelle id on account profile
Most often people don't settle because they feel reluctant to reach out and ask
"what is your zelle id?", "Do you have venmo linked with Splitwise?" , "How can I pay you?"I suggest splitwise add a feature where everyone can mention on their profile how anyone can transfer them money. Which if you owe someone money you can look at the profile and pay them.
You can also add a "verified symbol" next to venmo payment to show the venmo account is linked to Splitwise and using the same email as Splitwise.
3 votes -
Calendar view for activity
Don't mind it being a pro feature.
With the existing functions ( photo/note/date)
It would change my whole experience if Splitwise has the calendar view for activity.It's a pain to scroll through activity looking for one entry. This would bring benefit including but not limited to :
1)Visualizing the activities solves our argument when someone is surprised by the amount they own. We can quickly pin point who entered/paid on what date.
2)I see many comments on using Splitwise for personal finance. This update will also help with those wanting to use Splitwise to track person spendings.
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Temporary phone number
Where can I buy a temporary phone number? Faced with the question of how to register an account. It requires a confirmation by SMS. But what to do if I don't want to indicate my personal phone number
1 vote -
Do not hoard my private data
In the app store, it says this app will store data such as location, contacts, diagnostics etc that can be connected to me. This is completely unreasonable. Some of this data should not be collected at all and the rest should be anonymized.
3 votes -
Download expenses per month
It is only possible to download ALL expenses since the beginning of my subscription and only in a totally unusable excel file that needs to be somehow converted first. I really need a function to download expenses per month in a simple PDF so I can verify entries easily.
1 vote -
Whenever i use your app , I always get confused in one flow
And that is when someone makes a payment it always shows borrow or it doesn’t appear automatically settle up.
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iOS Widget to add an expense
It would be great if there were an iOS widget so you could quickly add an expense right from the Home Screen.
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Rearrange member order in a group
I noticed that from time to time, the order of appearance of members of a Group changes. I cannot explain what exactly triggers this, but I noticed that it happened after I created another group (let's call it Group 2) that included members from Group 1.
It is particularly annoying because I got used to the order in which members appear in the Split options list and therefore it messes it all up.
I cannot find a way to rearrange the order to be as it was previously, could you implement this option or explain how to prevent the order…
1 vote -
Are expenses settled between groups?
I would suggest that expenses wouldn't be settled between groups. e.g. if User A owes User B 100$ in group X, I wouldn't want it to be settled in group Y... Is that the case? if not, I would want it to be configured so the users can decide if it should be done or not, with default to No
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Fix insecure login for
The current login for is INSECURE.
As a matter of urgency add https for as my browser warned me about logging in over an unsecure connection.
I instead logged in via the Google login, so at least credentials are not sent in plain text over the internet, but even then im sure the google authentication token would still be sent over in plaintext. So sort this out as a matter of urgency. Im shocked that you expect people to enter their login details in plaintext on your own feedback site. Its a little ironic. Please sort this now,…
3 votes -
Discord server + bot integration
My social group primarily operates out of a Discord server. While Splitwise integrates with Zapier (and Zapier integrates with Discord), it's missing some features that could be useful.
For example, some integrations that might be nice:
- Link a Discord user to a Splitwise account.
- Add new expenses directly from a Discord channel.
- Post notifications about new expenses/payments to a Discord channel.
- Add users in a server (optionally with a Discord role) to a Splitwise group.
- Deliver user notifications via Discord DM instead of email.3 votes -
Add details about the group types
I cant tell what difference choosing one group type over another does. What does a Home vs Couple vs Trip do, if anything, when I select it for my group? I also cant find any documentation in the splitwise site.
Please add a tool tip or some information about what this decision does.1 vote -
Add additional/custom tax/tips/fees to itemized receipts
Currently when using receipts on either mobile or web app, we only get two fields of tax and tip. I love that this automatically splits it with the correct weight of all the people involved in the receipt.
But what's a little annoying is if we are splitting something like UberEats or Instacart, I have to add up all the different fees or taxes and type it into the tax field or tip field. This sometimes involves adding like 5-6 different fees/taxes.
Would be cool if there was like a + button below the tax and tip where we can…
3 votes -
Add a feature for recording stake in shared assets
My partner and I are buying a house together and we want to keep track of how much of the house belongs to who. We will record all expenses we pay towards the house (surveying, deposit, mortgage payments, repairs etc), and that will determine what share each of us owns. When we sell the house, we will split the sale price minus expenses according to the same proportion.
As I understand it, Splitwise doesn't quite support this use case, because it mainly focuses on how much people owe each other in the moment. It would be great though if you…
1 vote -
Connect friends using 'Username' or show friends list.
The biggest problem that exists is connecting with friends. Splitwise should allow people to be found using a simple username & connect them with ZERO email involvement just like on Instagram. Nobody scans QRs to connect each other. People don't wanna send each other links to connect.
Emails or 'sending' invites shouldn't be involved at all & nobody should be able to see my email ID. People should be able to connect each other just using the 'username' or if they wanna send links, then '' to ease it.
Also, we shouldn't have to connect to the Google account to…
3 votes -
How would i import the bill screenshots / pictures along with CSV format. Do we have it in Paid version of the application
How would i import the bill screenshots / pictures along with CSV format. Do we have it in Paid version of the application
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Allow swapping out users
Maybe this is a feature, but if it is I'm having a very hard time finding it. I have a trip with some friends, but it turns out I added the wrong person with a similar name. We realized this after already adding expenses, so this random user is listed as owing expenses.
It appears that I'm unable to remove that user in favor of another user, and I'm unable to transfer the debt from the erroneous user to the correct user.
Is this already a feature?
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Support Hebrew when Extracting to CSV File
Please enable other languages encoding (e.g. Hebrew) when extracting data to CSV files.
1 vote