750 results found
Recurring expenses
It would be nice to have the ability to have recurring payments be able to be posted earlier than 7 days. For example, I'd like to have rent post in the middle of the month as opposed to just 7 days before it's due. Maybe it can be stretched to 14 days/2 weeks?
10 votes -
View total individual expense in pdf summary
Splitwise has so much potential as a finance management tool rather than just expense tracking. But the format of the pdf summary generated kind of spoils the party.
One simple change that would help a lot is having the total expenses made by each person listed in the summary rather than just the amount owed. This would be extremely helpful.
It would also make more sense than the current format where the total cost for the group is reflected as-is for each individual members. Each individual is more interested in the total amount he/she has spent rather than the total…
74 votesUpdating this as it’s been a while. We still definitely want to improve this as a way to share your balances offline. Leaving this open for further voting and comments.
See who owes who in App
It's annoying to see you still owe someone some money but cant remember what is it about. The app should be able to breakdown who owes who like the one on the website, including the ability to choose to simplify the total money or not.
1 voteCan you be more specific about which breakdown you are referring to? (screenshot would be awesome).
add a feature
- to import from with groups,friends ad their expenses.
1 voteIf we get enough votes, we’ll look into this.
Set default currency for groups instead of profile
At the moment the default currency option is tied with your profile. It would be better if it used a default currency for a certain group, and then let the user change it if they wish.
I.E. I live in Australia so normally it would be best if I was paid in AUD, but since I am now staying long term in the US, I would rather be paid back in USD instead.
There is also no option to change the currency of a bill or payment.
309 votesI can definitely see how this would be useful for certain types of groups, especially travel. For now, you can always temporarily change your default currency from your account settings page (though I realize that’s not the best solution). Apologies for the trouble!
Aggregate Trip expenses
For trips category it makes sense to have a single chart/summary rather than having a month-wise one. With the month-wise one trips that go over the month-end are difficult to generate a report for.
18 votesThis is a great idea!
8 votes
List view for past expenses
I would love to see a list view of all past individual transactions for each individual in our group, rather than only the graph view currently displayed.
3 votesWe’ll be adding search to the all expenses list soon which might fill this need.
When editing an unequal split, load the entered # of shares or %
The main problem we've been encountering is that the editing of expenses is a bit annoying. We usually split the costs unequally and in parts (when someone brings over a friend or when a plate is eaten during several meals), but when we want to edit the number of parts (to add someone who ate later or simply to correct a mistake), only the amount to be paid by each person is remembered by the website and the number of parts everyone had seems to be forgotten by the app, although that was the input that it became at the…
133 votesUpdating our response since it’s been a long time since the idea was opened. Even though saving the type of unequal split feels like something that would obviously be nice to have (I certainly would use it myself every so often), it requires a change to our data structures, and is therefore a bunch of difficult work to fix, especially since it would need to be fixed separately across iPhone, Android, and web.
If you have a specific use case where not having this feature is really bothering you a lot, please email, or comment below to let us know why it’s important to you. The original poster’s meal example is clear and I’m wondering if there are other reasons why it is needed, or any easier way for us to fix it.
In terms of the priorities of our small team, most bills on Splitwise are split…
make a way to transfer debt between two people
i go out with two of my friends, who they dont interact with each other on their daily lives. One of them paid for all of us. So he is stuck with a dept to a guy that he barely knows. Best solution is to transfer the dept to me. In order to do that right know we need two people and three different transactions. Apart from that, I want to let you guys know you do an amazing job! Thanks!
57 votesThanks for the suggestion! I can definitely see how this would be a useful feature, but it’s also a fairly rare case in our experience, so it’s not yet on our roadmap. If we do eventually add it, we’ll want to make sure that it works in a non-confusing way, as we’ve found that various other features that transfer debt (the “simplify debts” setting in groups, etc) can sometimes cause serious confusion for the people involved.
add discount
when splitting a bill item wise, please also add a category of discounts, along with tax columns that are there... also please allow users to add more tax rows if need be
21 votesWhat would the additional tax rows be for? And discount would be a percentage of the total? a whole negative dollar value?
Integrate with
Is there anyway you can make Splitwise interface with I understand this might be a weird idea because Splitwise is not a bank :) But mint is a great app to keep track of monthly expenses. It tracks the expenses from the bank account. I keep thinking how great it would be if somehow my Splitwise account could be registered in That would make the data in mint so much more usable for me. All the proper transactions from Splitwise can be available there.
I say this because mint fails now because of situations like when I pay…
387 votesWe’d love to integrate with Mint, but the decision is mostly on Mint’s side. If you’d like Mint to add Splitwise, you can let them know in the comments here:
Have an easy way to enter multiple payments
I wish there was an easy way to record multiple payments (e.g. everyone in the group pays $500 to Michael)
1 vote -
"A copy bill" function
E.g. we get cable bill every month. Itemize it because different people want special features etc. Like 10 items typically in the bill. Usually the same but sometimes get PPV. Pain in the butt to re-enter every time. Should be able to copy a bill and use it as a foundation for a new bill.
324 votesThis is a neat idea! We have “reoccurring bills” but I can see how “duplicate this specific bill once, now” would be a useful functionality to add. We will consider this as we continue to improve Splitwise. Regards
import bill directly
I buy groceries online (a long bill) and dont like entering each item one by one. Can u add a feature to inport a bill in excel or other format so that dont have to enter each itemm individually?..would be of great help
14 votes -
rent splitting calculator enhancements
fairness calculator is great however if you could add the following that would be great:
parking bay (garage)
parking bay (outside)
option if room is outside the main house e.g. maid quarters
additional private room (if someone has a room plus e.g. an office or play room)
pets (people with pets should pay more)20 votesThanks for the suggestions! We may update our rent splitting calculator sometime soon – if we do, we’ll definitely take these things into consideration :)
Integrate with GoCardless for Payments
It would be great to avoid the pain and frustration of paypal and just link my GoCardless account with Splitwise so people could pay me via the app or a simple GoCardless URL
They ( offer really simple payments with a 1% transaction charge up to a maximum of £2.
Their API is fantastic, very well documented and I think it would be very simple to integrate with.
6 votesWe don’t currently have plans to integrate with payment providers beyond PayPal, but we will consider additional integrations based on user interest.
Can you add a note taking option which is related to any expense but as of now not needed to added.
Like this month I forget to add a expense and the account is already settled for current month. As of now I don't want to add anything but want to keep a note of that, so start of next month I will add it and additionally keeping several other reminders which need to be covered in coming months. But that should only be view-able to me and not other users.
1 voteWe’re not currently planning to add personal notes to the app, though if this gets enough votes, we’ll probably do it. You can add an expense with the date set in the future for the specific case you have (it still shows up in the current balances, but is in the future).
restore option in dashboard
it allows me to delete one by one that too it take me to individual sheet eveyrtime. Kindly suggest if there is any easy wayaround
1 voteWe’re planning to revisit that UI soon and this problem should go away in one of our upcoming versions. Unfortunately, until then, there’s no good workaround. You could submit a support ticket with details of which expenses you want undeleted and we may be able to do them all at once.
Detailed summary of debts
it would be very handy to have, next to the existing summary of how much someone owes to someone else, an overview of how much someone owes to someone else for which reason.
For example: Bart owes in total € 200 to Tom, of which € 40 for energy bill 1/01/2012; € 60 beers bill of 2/01/2012 and € 120 rent of october.12 votesThis does sound useful!