376 results found
Expense Check
When person A adds expense & splits with person B, then B should be able to mark it checked when satisfied/verified the expense. so that B reviews only other expense next time. The check mark should be unchecked if there is change or update in the checked expense. This is helps a lot when tracking expense in group that are added over a period of time.
2 votesHi there,
I apologize, but I’m going to decline your request. I can understand why some people would want explicit confirmations, but this is a very core decision we made long ago and confirmations are too clunky for Splitwise.
Recent Activity is our answer to seeing what has changed. If you have an ideas/issues with the way Recent Activity works, please post it as a suggestion or email support with questions.
Jon -
Allow Generalized/Anonymous Reminders
It would be more tactful in some situations if Splitwise could send general reminders to those who haven't settled up after a few days have gone by. Or at least permit users to request the app to send a reminder of an outstanding balance without identifying the person who requested the reminder. For example:
"Hey username, don't forget to settle up your balances! You currently owe $###"
9 votesThanks for the suggestion! We do have a monthly summary that goes over balances with everyone and acts as an automated reminder. We also have pre-written reminders you can send to specific people if you want to ask them to settle up.
We don’t plan to add anonymous reminders. It’s a feature that would be very difficult to build in a way that would not be open to a lot of abuse. What we might add at some point is a more general whole group reminder where you can send a reminder to the entire group that there are balances that need to be settled up. Hopefully this will help make it easier to talk about settling up in a way that feels comfortable for everyone.
floating names in receipt view
When entering a long receipt, the names of the people disappears off the top of the screen, it would be good if they stayed at the top so you knew which column was whose. Also, receipt splitting on mobile app
3 votesUnfortunately, we don’t have any plans to update this view in the near future, as we’re a small team and it’s only used by a few users. My apologies for the trouble!
Add a small edit. Where we can add friends' photos on their profile
I would like to see at a glance which friends I'm splitting bills with. So instead of a generic icon of a person, I'd like to add a pic of theirs to their profile
2 votesI can see how this might be useful, but Splitwise is designed to be used with everyone on the same page, i.e all your friends should be able to sign up on Splitwise and see their balance with you. That is why only your friends can change their own name and profile picture on Splitwise, since it is a part of their profile.
Proper Cost Splitting - No Random Pennies
When calculating a cost split, the program currently allocates "extra" pennies to random individuals. I would propose that the system carries additional decimals (I think 3 decimals would fix it) in the background and then does final rounding to 2 decimals (ie the penny level) at the very end; ie the summary calculation that tells you who owes what money to whom.
3 votesThis would cause many problems with the current expectations many people have with Splitwise. For example a $10 expense split among three people could potentially have a non-deterministic outcome guaranteed to be correct and the same across all devices based on how rounding is implemented.
VAT Addition
automatically calculate the value added tax for products when we specify the VAT percentage
1 voteThanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, we don’t plan to add any more special handling for VAT at the moment. My apologies for the inconvenience!
Settle Up Option for Receiver only
For any group expense, the "Settle Up" option should be allowed only to the receiver of that amount. In a group, this option creates confusion at times because the payer and receiver both can settle up simultaneously.
15 votesWe think it’s pretty important that either the payer or the receiver can add a payment to Splitwise, as we’ve found that people use both methods quite frequently.
However, we do hope to add better support for preventing duplicate payments in the future – i.e. if you and a friend both add payments for the same amounts within a few minutes of each other, we could potentially show you a warning when you try to add the second payment.
Display Advanced options by default
Most of the times I display the other windows like when saying he owes me the full amount or notes, a good idea would be to display all the boex by default to speed up the process
3 votes -
Comfirmed Exposes
The idea is that no exposes can be deleted or edited without knowledge of the concerning people.
So if a Group for an Event or whatever is bigger than only a few people it could be useful that creating, editing or deleting Exposes is only possible if all concerning people agree to this expose.
Therefor maybe a push notification could remind the user of outstanding agreements.
In general that would be a feature for big groups.
Thanks for reading.
1 voteUnfortunately due to the extra overhead that this would cause for everyone involved in an expense, we don’t intend to build out a feature that requires confirmation. Sorry about that! We encourage using the Recent Activity page and turning on notifications to make sure everyone is on the same page with their shared expenses.
-Novall -
Adding an option where people can enter amount more than the total cost and apap will calculate accordingly
Suppose an event is added for $100 and it has 3 participants who paid $50, $25 and $25. this is possible in your app. But suppose One guy paid $75 and two others paid $25 each.. app shows an error as total collection is more than actual bill.
This possibility occurs when people pool in money and pay from the collective fund.
So it would be awesome if there's an option to see how much a person will get back , for instance, in the above mentioned case, the person a gets back $25.Thanks
1 voteThanks for the suggestion! The specific request you have isn’t one we plan to support, but you should be able to do this with the current tools.
In your example, it sounds like you’re collecting money ahead of time (otherwise why pay more for the expense than needed). You should add separate payments of $75, $25 and $25 from each person to whoever is collecting the money.
Then have that person record each expense they pay for as paid by them. This will correctly keep track of all debts for the event.
Remove contact list in individual expenses
It would be great if adding friend to an expense an option rather than the first thing you see for "non-group expenses" given that this category is for personal expenses.
2 votesThanks for the suggestion! Non-group expenses is actually intended for expenses with friends that are not included in a group (many people split expenses without using groups). If you’re just tracking your own expenses, I would recommend creating a group called Personal with yourself as the only member and track the expenses in there.
3 votes
Thanks for the suggestion! We’re not going to go back to the old design, but we’d love to hear about specific places where you feel the app is complex and see if we can fix them.
1 vote
Payment split
It would be logical, if remainder of the division would go to person, who enters expense. Now it goes randomly
In example: person 1 enters expense 17,47 and splits it on 3 parts. Then person 1 should share 5,83 and other 2 persons 5,82 each. Now this 5,83 can go to anyone :)
2 votesThanks for the suggestion! We used to do it that way, but got a lot of complaints because it’s unfair if there’s one person in a group who pays for a lot of expenses. Randomly assigning the extra pennies is the only way to be fair in the long run.
1 vote
I’m sorry you don’t like the new Android design! We plan to keep using the new design, but if you have any particular feedback or suggestions, let us know – we’re always looking for ways to improve the app.
Factor non group debts among group members when simplifying debts between them
If two members of a group have a non group debt, it is better if group simplification preferably simplifies it such that they have to pay each other at the end. That helps to reduce total count, not just within the group.
1 voteThanks for the suggestion! I can see how this would be useful. Unfortunately, to avoid some complicated edge cases, choices in group debt simplification is not something we can change like this. If we add this kind of adjustment, you run into cases where after settling up with someone (in or out of the group), the new debt simplifications will show you as owing that person money again.
Change the mascot
Love everythign else, but that drawing of the little guy is weird. :P
5 votesSorry you don’t like our guy. Unfortunately he’s well loved in the office so we will not be changing our buddy. Did you know that you can upload an avatar which will show up in his place?
Splitwise with emojis
nice idea with the emojis but its way too messed up. A better job can be done with this to make it fun. but this is just too shabby and irritating to use.
2 votesThe complete emoji translation of the site is just our April Fool’s joke as us going “overboard” after we added emoji support to the app so you can have them in expenses, group names, etc. While there is a clear logic to the selection of emoji and they remain consistent throughout the site, it is not intended to be used long term over your actual language.
Shares in itemized bills
Could it be possible to allow split by shares for a single item in itemized bills? Say i want to split the cost of an item 2 times to a person and 1 time to myself.
2 votesWhile this would definitely be a nice-to-have feature, the use case is very very specific. A simple workaround is to add that specific item as a separate bill.
Need an option to exclude expense from the calculation
Consider the following situation. I am lending some money to my friend. I don't know when he able to return it. If it's in normal owing list, I have to manually subtract that money for the calculations. So I can mark it as excluding list. In this scenario I won't forget the amount and also no need to calculate it manually or store it in some other apps or Google sheet. Please consider this request.
1 voteI’m not completely sure what you’re proposing. If you want to keep track of a loan given to a friend, and if it doesn’t contribute towards your balance with the friend, then how would you remember that you friend owes you that money?