869 results found
Offer ways to sort "all expenses" - by date, highest debt amount, lowest debt amount, type of expense, etc.
Love this site!
1 voteThis does sound useful, but probably won’t be a high priority for us for a while.
Itemize each persons 'debts'
I wish I could click on the persons name on the left hand of the screen, see how much I owe them, and break it down exactly by what I owe and why.
1 voteWe try to do this already – when you click a person’s name on the left, it should bring up a screen that tells you their total balance with you, and lists all of the transactions you have with that person (and how much you owe/are owed for each).
Unfortunately, it’s hard to break this down further for groups that use debt simplification…but we’re working on it! We have some ideas, and hopefully you’ll see some updates in the next few months.
Insert Paypal transaction ID as a note
After using Paypal to settle, you should automatically insert the Paypal transaction ID into the notes section of the payment.
1 voteSeems like a reasonable suggestion :) I’ll add it to our list of possible improvements.
To add option to see yearly Expenses
I can see the expenses for individual months. If i want to see combined expenses for multiple months and yearly then there should be a option to see that expenses
1 voteRight now we do pretty much everything by month, but I can see how this would be useful. I’ll pass on the suggestion.
Amount bars of friends on Dashboard
I think this is a simple hack, Friends are shown according to amount what they owe or I owe. Due to which if someone owes nothing or comparably very less amount then you have to abbreviate the name and on hover only you can know the details about amount and friends name.
Instead of this the bar which represents amount owed can be a box with light grey color which fills up according to amount owed. thus Friend's name and amount can be overlay-ed in same manner and always be visible. This way existing UI would be intact yet more…
1 voteI like this suggestion :) We’ve been meaning to redesign the dashboard bars a bit – they could use some improvement, and this could be a good approach for how to do that.
Unclear what "x paid you $# on splitwise" means
The payment isn't actually occurring through Splitwise, so I haven't actually been paid when I get that email. Would be great to integrate payment options of course!
1 voteSorry for the confusion! We definitely want to improve our wording for payments – we need to get better at explaining the difference between payments that DO involve actual money transfers (i.e. sending $ through our integration with PayPal) and payments that don’t (i.e. recording that you gave cash to a friend).
Make it so you can use the iphone app upside down
This may sound a bit odd, but it's trivial to enable in xcode, I think.
I often use Splitwise on my ipad. Since you only have an iphone app, that's what I use.
I often prop up my ipad with the charging port facing up in portrait mode so I can charge it without the cable interfering. This doesn't work right with Splitwise, which will not run upside down like other ipad apps will.
I believe this is just a check box in xCode.
1 voteHmm…our iOS guy thinks this might be a bit complicated because of some of the custom drawing we do, but we’ll add it to the list of possible future improvements :)
Upcoming payments instead of "You Owe"
When you put in a payment that is due a month later, the web app shows it as "You Owe" right up there. I think this gives off kind of an in-your-face feeling. It would be better to separate it into periods/sections, where you show payments due this month, upcoming payments next month, etc. You Owe makes me think I have to pay something right now, even though it's due a month later.
Hope you find this helpful.
1 voteWe’ve been hesitant to break up bills into months or other chunks of time, given the many different ways in which people use Splitwise, but I can see how this might be useful. I’ll pass on the suggestion at our next design meeting :)
Dont block users (i.e. make them wait) when saving the current 'card'
When one clicks a 'save' button after entering the expenses, the app syncs the data from the server not in the background but allows the user to wait for the card to disappear, which might take a dozen of seconds to happen on a slow internet connection. I think you might have figured out by now that what needs to be done ;)
1 voteThanks for the suggestion! This definitely makes sense, though I know there are also some technical concerns (such as what to do when saving the expense returns an error). Still, hopefully something we can add in a future update :)
Show today's balances
It would be nice to have the option to show the money owed in current day. As an example, I have a 1:1 group and there are some upcoming bills, and it only shows up the total owed money including those bills. I want to have the possibility to see how much do I owe (or get back) today, including only the bills already paid.
1 voteInteresting! I’ll pass on this suggestion and see what the team thinks – it could be useful, but we’d also want to make sure it doesn’t confuse people by accident.
Delayed Viewing
It would be really cool if the monthly reoccurring bills could have a delayed notification. For instance, if I put in a bill due on Oct 10 (reoccurring) it would actually show up as a transaction for the involved parties on Oct 3 (one week early, or any set time). That way it doesn't say my roommates owe me for a bill due over a month away. Thanks, great app!
1 voteThanks for the suggestion! I’ll pass it on to the team at our next meeting.
For now, you can sort of do this already for future copies of recurring bills. When adding a recurring bill, you have the option to set a “Reminder” period (e.g. “Remind me one week in advance”). When Splitwise sends out the reminder for the next bill, it’ll add that bill to Splitwise at the same time. As a result, your next bill will be posted exactly a week in advance (or whatever time period you choose). Hope that helps!
make it easier to look through historical data.
My roommates and I are having trouble verifying who owes who what. We're considering moving back the google doc that we had because that interface is so much easier to look at historical logs.
Is there no way to just see a table of the history between two users? If there is make it more prominent.
1 voteSorry for the trouble! Just to clarify: it sounds like you’re using a group, but want a better way to view only the transactions between two specific people, correct? I can pass on that suggestion.
Two existing features that might help somewhat (both web-only, and not in our mobile apps):
- Web only: In a group, you can hide all expenses that don’t involve you. Just go to your group, then click the gear/settings icon at the top of the right-hand column, and click on “Hide items not involving me”.
- Web only: You can also export all your bills to a spreadsheet. Go to your group, then click the gear/settings icon at the top of the right-hand column, and click on “Export as spreadsheet”. That may help if you’re trying to “verify” the total balances of each group member.
Make the "Add a Bill" pop up div draggable
When I click the orange "Add a Bill" button that brings up the pop-up div, many times I need to look at what's behind it as I type my new bill. Currently, I'll start typing, have to close the window, look at an old bill, and then open up the add a bill button again and start typing the bill all over again. If you could make the div draggable when the header is clicked and held, that would be awesome.
*** Note to developers: It only takes one line of jquery code to do this (and it's cross-browser of…
1 voteThanks for the suggestion – this would definitely be nice!
Unfortunately, I suspect it may be more than just one line of code, as there are places where we use custom positioning logic for our pop-ups (to handle sliding sub-menus and such). Still, I’ll add it to our list of possible improvements for the future :)
Currency settings should affect the calculators as well
Just a minor probably cosmetic issue. I saw that button "Set all expenses to <currency selected>"
I was kinda bummed as I thought if I clicked that button, the calculators will also follow the setting but it does not :(
1 voteSorry for the trouble! You’re totally right – right now the calculators always use $. I’ll add this to our list of to-dos, and we’ll try to fix it to show the correct currency symbol soon :)
Hiding of types of expenses and/or Favorites
Hi, I think it will be useful if you can hide some of the expenses you won't be using at all or as an alternative, there may be one more category - favorites and there you may put the ones that you use most. Great site!
1 voteThanks for the suggestion! I can see how it would be useful to hide/favorite certain categories – I’ll add this to our list of potential improvements for the future :)
Add regular payment tracking function for non-split expenses
would be great if I would be able to add payments I make for myself as well. this would allow me to use SPLITWISE for all expenses, currently its 20% split, 80% expenses for myself. of course the split ones are more actionable but some information on the other expenses would greatly help...
in the splitting screen there could be another field I PAY MYSELF.
in the enter detail screen I would just need an optional field to be able to categorize my expenses.
and in the OVERVIEW screen it should show how much was spend you paid XX,XX $"…
1 voteHi there,
Several people would love to use Splitwise for personal expenses, and we’re always interested to hear about this. So far, we’ve stayed away for just the reason you say – the ones owed to others are more actionable. So we are focusing on that for now.
I’m aware that some users input expenses with just themselves, and list themselves as the “payer” as well as the only “ower.” The only place these expenses can be seen is on the “all expenses tab.” But yes, seeing charts and such would be nice in that case, and that’s hard to do right now.
Thanks for the suggestion, and we’ll leave the under review for now.
Jon -
Ability to capture when someone should replace an item
There is not necessarily a specific cost but sometimes my roommates and I alternate the purchasing of a household item. For example if I buy dishwasher detergent this time my roommate buys it next time.
1 voteI can see how this would be useful. We might find that this complicates our user interface too much to be worth adding, but I’ll keep this up here so we can see if there’s a lot of interest in this kind of feature.
Ad Campaign: International Travel
I suggest that Splitwise produce an advertising campaign which follows a group (or multiple groups) of friends as they set out on glorious adventures using Splitwise along the way to show how powerful of an app it is. This would be a very inexpensive and potentially powerful way to promote such a wonderful piece of technology. I know my friends and I have loved using Splitwise (what we call "the split") to help us keep track of our adventures and we would gladly volunteer to go on a crazy adventure or two to show the merits of this beautiful and…
1 voteThanks for the suggestion! We’ve been working on marketing Splitwise, and we think trips are a great use case to show off, both for existing Splitwise users (many of whom only use Splitwise to manage their apartment) and for new users. We’ve got a number of ideas that we hope to start rolling out in the coming months :)
Expense reminder
I made an expense with a friend who is out of reach for a month. I have already added it to Splitwise but the share has not been decided. I want a reminder after 'd' days (when my friend is likely to be back) that the amount in the expense needs revision. Is this currently do-able?
1 voteI can see why you would want a reminder in this case. This isn’t doable at the moment, though you could add a comment to the expense that you need to update it.
We’re really loathe to add “do it later” features in general to the app because if you get into the habit of putting off entering data (which is the most annoying part of any app like this), you can wind up with a pile of unfinished expenses.
We have a couple of potential features that might help with this, though, so I’m leaving this as under review.
when we click on "settle up" it should generate a table for expense for individuals in group rather than using "owe" type of ambiguis termin
when i click to settle up a joint account for A,B,C,D persons it should reflect a table also
1 voteIf you click on “view full details” under the group balances on the website, you will get a more detailed list of how we think you should settle up with individual settle up buttons like you describe.
We should probably consider showing more options after clicking the general settle up button on the group page.