More robust graphs/trends on mobile
The ability to see YTD spending, break down by cost type, etc. would be great. Also, perhaps a spreadsheet view of expenses.

Thanks for the suggestion! Our website currently has a few more advanced charts and graphs (totals by category, printable monthly summaries), and our iPhone app has a few basic charts as of v4.0 (group totals, export as spreadsheet). We’re hoping to bring similar features to Android soon, and to add more features as time goes on :)
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lorenpmc commented
I find myself wanted to get a sense of relative transaction sizes at a glance.
A scaled bar by relative size per transaction, color intensity, or pie chart
As I split expenses with friends, it would be helpful to have an
incremental sum view for sub-ranges, or at least a partial-sum since last settled for each transaction or for transaction groups. -
Chardene commented
I would love to see the itemized items in a category on Android
Howie commented
The charts aren’t much use only as per month. What if your period is only days, for instance a vacation?
Please add weekly and daily breakdowns too. -
Andre Arsyan Jordie commented
spending per day graph, daily spending analysis, budgeting vs spending graph
Jaz commented
seems like this is a pro feature now? (spending over time) if so, can you close this so i can get my vote back?
Jaz commented
Please bring these to mobile! I use mobile splitwise 99% of the time - it's very annoying to need to log in to browser/desktop to view the monthly charts
Kasper commented
It needs to be possible to change the time period, not to be restricted by a calendar month. Using splitwise for a group-trip, expenses is displaced over several months. It would be great to see a graph for the complete trip period.
William Hite commented
I too very much want to see graphs and reports for a group as we use them for trips that may run over a month end. I would also like the graphs and other reports to be for user definable date ranges.
Mauricio commented
I use this app to share our home expenses with my wife, and the pie charts of the total expenses of the group are usefull to figure out which items are the ones that eat up our monthly budget, however, it is dificult to print these charts, as they usually do not display fully. Can you add an option to print the chart? Also, instead of showing the percentage of the total expenses (%) it would be usefull to show the actual amount of money used in each item. Thanks.
Seth Rosen commented
A graph that shows how a balance between two individuals has changed over time would make it much easier to verify that actual money paid matches what Splitwise thinks has been paid. Ideally this graph would also have clickable links to bring up details of each bill/payment that affected the graph.
Use Case: I am trying to figure out if the current balance is correct after another user sent me a payment (in this case, she sent a payment through paypal and cancelled it and made a second, larger payment: both payments now seem to be counted by Splitwise). Because of the way that some bills get batched together for "Settle all balances", it's hard to reverse engineer just by looking at the amounts paid. Having a graph that shows how the balance between individuals has changed over time would completely eliminate this issue.
Alberto commented
I would like to see a graph of full year view with total amount of each month, and maybe too friends amount splitted data.
Webapp version and if were possible Mobile version too. -
Bappaditya commented
If possible can you include graphical interface for the group expense report as it will give user a different way of seeing the report.
Niranjan commented
Use the category information at the recieved creation to plot bar and pie charts as a total and also for specific groups to analyse where a person can cut down and save.
Avinash N commented
Currently, there is a nice tab on the top right corner of the web app to view monthly statements. Please bring it to the mobile app
Gulshan Nihalani commented
For reports and trends, It would be great if available in mobile application also, apart from that its totally awesome application i have ever came across for managing group expenses.
Great Job... -
Josh commented
I really like that you can pull up a month and see how your total expenses broke down. I wish we would be able to select a certain category, let's say "Electric," and graph it over a desired period of time. Obviously a bill like that would fluctuate from month to month and it's always nice to have a visual representation of that. I know that you can click through the previous months in "trend" and see how the total month broke down but it would be nice to be able to select one of the categories straight from the pie chart and graph it over the past 6 months to see how it compares.
Awesome product by the way!
Anonymous commented
pls include split up and graph for all expenses from beginning to end both in mobile and web
Jaz commented
I LOVE looking at my graphs each month and would love if they were feature more prominently on my dash. I would also love to be able to compare my spending in categories month to month...Maybe with a bar or line graph?
Nicolas Ferrero commented
Feedback for UX people:
I feel it super hard to read the money we spent every month.
To be fair I don't care much about the breakdown in categories, because we even forget to assign the categories sometimes and don't want to be bothered.
The only thing we'd like to see is how much we spent each, month by month on a simple line chart. For example if we are 2: you have 2 line charts of different colors and see the spendings month after month. (Note column charts could be better). A simple interaction could be to make the column clickable and have a tooltip showing up the breakdown details by categories.So in short I'd like to see first what we spend every month and then if I need to dig down on just to select the month I want an see what's going on.
Thanks to take the time to read this messy feedback