376 results found
add splitwise wallet option for payments
like paytm wallet freecharge etc wallet add splitwise wallet for payments
12 votesHey there,
We’re a really small team and while having our own wallet is tempting, it is not in our roadmap for the near future. We’d rather focus on integrating support for your existing wallets into Splitwise.
... add a "Savings" feature which calculates if a trip was economically profitable
A friend of mine and me are doing trips from Germany to Italy from time to time to buy mainly domestic food which is significantly cheaper there as in Germany (besides having a good time, of course ;)).
In addition to that large supermarkets have additional savings which reduce the total again.
Would be cool if Splitwise could consider these savings on bill-level to costs like fuel, tolls to tell us if and how economically profitable our trip was in total and for each of us!
2 votesHi there,
Unfortunately this is far too specific and would not be likely to benefit the vast user base so we would be unable to dedicate the time necessary to bring this to life. -
Sharing grocery lists
Can we get a tab for sharing grocery lists? One tab that autoupdates to which all members of a household can contribute and check mark things off?
5 votesThis would be more appropriate for a grocery list app and wouldn’t be part of Splitwise’s core. As such we’d be unlikely to be able to dedicate the time necessary to create an entire sub app within Splitwise.
you can add option to choose date of start month and end month, like in few cases people get salary before month ends
month start and end date option
3 votesThanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, due the way our infrastructure is built, making this kind of change is not something we’re able to do at the moment.
There is no way to clear whole account.
Let say our group want to delete old expenses. They don't even want it to see in activities then every time we need to do the delete account. May be you can provide a clear all button.
9 votesThanks for asking, but I’m going to have to decline your request.
If you want to delete a group, that will delete the associated expenses and you can start over. But if you want to clear your whole account including recent activity, you should probably delete your account from the user settings page and start over with a new account at the same email address.
The reason why I’m declining is that “fully clearing” an account including recent activity violates the Splitwise principle of group transparency / undo-ability (we aspire to be like Wikipedia in this way). What if someone cleared everything permanently by accident and completely destroyed your record of what happened? We can’t allow that to happen because everyone is entitled to a list of who did what, even if that is deletion.
I hope this work-around helps, and I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful. There…
2 votes
You can already update someone’s name in Splitwise before they accept their invite by going into your friend settings. But once they join Splitwise, their display name is under their control. This works similarly to other social networks. Updating them in your contact book is not something we are going to keep checking long term, apologies.
Improvement in settle up button
Your concept is great. I like everything about your application.
In current style of your settle up any party can go and settle up the payment. Make it mandatory for both party to recognize the payment. That will be much better. Also add flexibility in payment. include option for payment of amount which is less than actual amount in settle up.3 votesThanks for the suggestion! You can already pay a different amount when making a payment. Just edit the total in the record payment form before saving the payment.
As for payment confirmations, Splitwise actually used to work this way, but we got rid of the confirmation step because people complained that it was too much of a hassle.
Our in-between solution was email notifications. By default, you should get an email any time someone says they have paid you, and then if you wish you can double-check that they have actually given you money. (And if they haven’t, then you can delete the payment from Splitwise or comment on it!) You can also see a full record of changes in your account at any time by going to the “Recent activity” screen.
Hope that makes sense! Let us know if you have questions or concerns.
Customized date range to track the expense
We generally settle our bills around 10th of every month. So, instead of keeping track of expense every month starting from 1st to end of that month, I would like to keep track of my expense with some customized date.
i.e. let say i customized my month as 10th May - 9th June, 10th June - 9th July and so on..3 votesUnfortunately too much of the world keeps track of things on a monthly basis so this feature would not be widely utilized and would more often than not confuse people.
14 votes
Splitwise actually used to work this way, but we got rid of the confirmation step because people complained that it was too much of a hassle.
Our in-between solution was email notifications. By default, you should get an email any time someone says they have paid you, and then if you wish you can double-check that they have actually given you money. (And if they haven’t, then you can delete the payment from Splitwise!) You can also see a full record of changes in your account at any time by going to the “Recent activity” screen.
Hope that makes sense! Let us know if you have questions or concerns.
Create an option to have a group deadline
My friends and I love to use your service and it makes our lives much easier. However, we do consistently run into the same issue. Some people inevitably are always anxious to settle up (or be paid), while others drag quite a bit in their entering of expenses. This always ends up with having someone pay too early and there having to be multiple payments of small amounts to settle up in the end.
Due to this, I think it would be helpful if there was an option to have a group deadline. At the creation of the group, all…
10 votesThis is an interesting feature but it is rather complex and would require a large amount of infrastructure (and case handling) that could be obviated by better communication and coordination between friends.
Provide an option to merge expenses across groups
If I am sharing expenses with few friends in one group, and all of us are part of another bigger group too, then there should be an option to transfer the balances from the smaller group to bigger group and closing the smaller group.
8 votesIf one group is a subset of a bigger group, and you feel comfortable letting the larger group see the smaller group’s expenses/balances, you can move the expenses into the larger group by clicking “edit” on each expense and then changing the group it is filed under. This will move each expense one by one into the larger group.
Unfortunately, we don’t have an automated way to do this right now, but we’ll keep that in mind as a possible improvement for the future. In the meantime, our apologies for the inconvenience!
2 votes
I’m not sure what your request is, but to look at a breakdown of items for which a person owes you, simply tap on their name in your friends list on Splitwise. It should show you details of expenses and balances with them inside and outside of all groups both of you are involved in.
Excluding a Group from a User's Summary Expense Calculations
I have the requirement where I have to exclude a group expense from the total summary of a particular user. For example, I have a groups GP1, GP2, GP3 with users UR1 and UR2 and Myself in each of it. When I select user UR1, I find the total amount to owe/owed after a consolidated calculation. Instead of this method, I have to isolate GP2 from all the users when I select them. It should be independent even if I click a particular user. Can you provide some feature like this in the app?
2 votesThanks for the suggestion! We run into issues where people get confused by how balances add up and adding more complicated features to modify balances on top of that is not something we’ll do. If you want to see balances for each group separately, we do display that in each group. If you have some specific use case, please submit a support ticket with your use case so we can see if there’s some other feature or solution that might work for you.
Can you implement something like subgroups? Suppose we have a flatmates group but want to maintain a history of what all was spent in a particular trip. That will be convenient in a bigger scenario where we have many office colleagues in a group but went on a trip with only few of them. If we want to add multiple bills, this will be convenient.
6 votesUnfortunately, we think this would overcomplicate Splitwise, and we’re not likely to add it in the near future.
For any specific applications such as trips, if you have a subset/different set of people from an existing group, our current recommendation is to create a separate group. Your total balances will each friend will reflect the combined totals from both groups.
Expenses entered should be deleted/updated only by the person who entered it.
Person who created the expense only should be able to delete/update the expense. What if someone deletes the expense? I see a explanation saying "What if someone inserts an incorrect expense? Then everyone should be able to delete the incorrect expense", in this case the people involved in the expense can settle among themselves and request the person who inserted the expense to delete. But what if someone deletes a correct expense?
7 votesIf someone deletes a correct expense or a group, it is very easy to undelete in one tap from your recent activity feed. (If someone edits an expense incorrectly, the old version is referenced as a comment on the new expense.) We don’t believe administrative control is the best way to keep things friendly.
Shopping list (checklist)
Hi guys!
We use Splitwise for traveling and household issues.
For our household group we miss a shopping list, where we can write down what we need to buy for our house. This way all members can enter to the list when they are out for shopping and buy the stuff needed.
This feature would incluse a checkbox that can be marked when the product is bought. At the time you mark the checkbox, an "Add new bill" screen could be shown to add the new bill.
We talked about it at home and we would find it very useful…
11 votesThanks for the suggestion! We do think this is a useful thing for housemates, but we’re planning to keep working on just the splitting side of things for the foreseeable future. We would be open to working with existing shared list apps to work on something like this.
Only Lent Person should be able to Settle Up from his account
When the bills are settled up, it should be done from the person who lent the money and not from the person who owes the money coz this may lead to fraud settlement
5 votesWe built Splitwise with the intention of keeping everyone on the same page with shared expenses, so anyone can add, edit, or record payments. There is a record of all of this kept in Recent Activity, so if there is a dispute, you can always reference the Recent Activity page. You also have the ability to delete the payment even if it was not recorded by you.
paym integration
curious if paym integration is in the works, would remove some friction when paying colleagues. Awesome service!
1 voteI’m not too sure about this, but a quick Google search reveals that Paym does not support third party integrations.
See question in the FAQ.
The charts need to be broken down to groups. When clicked on the particular category, it can show the other expenses in the group.
1 voteI’m not sure what exactly your request is? Charts already support breakdown by category.
Adding an option to have a payee as a bill
Okay so this app requires you to select a person you owe the money too, like a roommate. I thought it would be cool, and I would need this myself, if you could add a lender or a monthly bill like a phone contract/insurance/broadband as a Payee and have it so two people can pay towards it, so you can keep track of the payments you've both made each time. For example, my partner has a catalogue, both of us have bought a computer out of it, so we both owe £400... it's hard to keep track of who's payed…
1 voteI’m not sure what exactly your feature request is. It is already possible to keep track of split expenses such as monthly bills on Splitwise.
Simply enter the name of the bill in the description, such as ‘Broadband bill’ and then you can add as many people as you like amongst whom you’d like to split the bill.