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869 results found

  1. Make edits and new expenses easier to distinguish visually

    One of the most confusing features of this great product is how similar edits to existing expenses and new expenses look. I think it would be better to make the link between the previous and the new edited expense more explicit (especially when renaming)

    5 votes
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  2. Charts should not aggregate "Other" from different categories

    It looks like Splitwise combines all "Other" expenses from different categories. It would be great it they were shown as separate ones like "Life: Other", "Transportation: Others" etc.

    Here's screenshot:

    5 votes
    1 comment  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    We have plans to revisit the charts in the future and improve them based on data we’ve received. However with our small team it is hard to give an estimate as to when this will happen. The best course is to subscribe to this thread which we’ll update when the feature has been completed.

  3. send msg to all people owe me

    can you introduce a option to send message to all the people "owe me" instead of sending them individually. Ex:a option that can send the msg "guys i want to settle all balance before may 5th " to all people who owe me money.

    i asked this because i have 50 people who owe me.

    5 votes
    2 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Hi there,

    Thanks for posting – I personally use Splitwise a lot of course and have a lot of small debts to me as well, so a “remind all” is something I’ve been thinking about a bit. We have a busy roadmap so I’m going to leave this under review to see how many people would also like this or have other suggestions.

    For now, you can always remind the largest debtors individually by using the “send reminder button,” and active users will also get the monthly summary to help remind them as well.


  4. seen by feature

    imclude a feature which shows that the bill is seen by how many of the roomamates and who has seen the bill

    5 votes
    2 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  5. 5 votes
    1 comment  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll pass it on! For now, you may want to check out the “printable monthly summary” feature for groups on our website. Just log in, click a group in the left sidebar, and then click the “view printable summary” link above each month’s expenses, and you’ll get an itemized breakdown of all the transactions for the month.

  6. Add Split screen support for Android 7.0

    Please add support for split screen on Android 7.0. As of now it gives me an error saying that app doesn't support split screen and throws me out of the split screen mode. I would like to see the support soon.

    5 votes
    4 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    This would be an interesting addition to the Android app. Depending on how difficult this is to implement and if its possible to do this without compromising the experience, I’ll look into supporting split-screen natively on Android Nougat in the future.

  7. Plates: to increase the possible number of people

    It would be great to have the possibility to use the app for up to 20 people. I often have the case were we are more than 10!

    5 votes
    1 comment  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  8. Add puppies!

    Kittens are awesome! Puppies too?

    5 votes
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  9. 5 votes
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  10. In uneven splitting, allow a „wrong“ total to be handled wisely

    It often happens that the given order — first enter total, then split it — turns out very inflexible.

    Especially with tips or shared expenses I find myself with a difference (let’s say the bill with tip is 28, I’m splitting „by dish“, then I realize the tip needs to be split separately and I would rather remove it from the total — but I can NOT leave the uneven splitting screen unless i have entered the EXACT amount ... annoying!)

    Same applies to „oops I have forgotten to include one more person“. I’d have to add the amount to…

    5 votes
    4 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  11. Allow Manual Date Entry without Calendar Picker

    I think it would be much easier if the date field in an expense allowed you to type the date, in a format such as MM/DD (defaulting to current year) or even MM/DD/YYYY, instead of requiring the use of the date picker. Having to use my mouse and click in the date picker slows me down when adding a lot of expenses.

    5 votes
    2 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  12. Able to Choose Expense Payment Type (Credit Card / Cash / Custom Name)

    My Need: I use Splitwise primarily to track expense record with my friends and family, but I also use it to track travel expenses.

    While Splitwise support multi-currency expense, I expect the app to able to record my payment method (e.g. paid by Card or Cash). It would be even better to customise payment method name, so I can add different cards in Splitwise.

    5 votes
    1 comment  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll leave this open for further voting for now.

    In the meantime, you can use the ‘notes’ or ‘memo’ field to indicate what payment method you used to make the payment.

  13. Jump to Month

    Please add a list or quick way of viewing all expenses in one month (of x year) on one page. The new feature to load all expenses is great but sometimes you just want to see whether you've added an expense quickly.

    4 votes
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  14. Show how bills are settled using a cool visual aid.

    This idea came from a bout of minor confusion I had when looking at the results of the "settle up" function. I was surprised to see that despite knowing that I owed various people money, the result I saw on screen was that I actually just owed one person. After some chin scratching, I realized that of course the bills were being aggregated together so as to minimize the number of payments needed to settle up. That being said, I'm not sure that everyone who uses this service will reach that conclusion, especially if they've had a long day at…

    4 votes

    Recently we’ve been thinking a lot about this exact problem. The “settle up” function is great once you understand what it does, but it confuses a lot of first-time users. We’re working to improve communication about this, including via visual aids – you should see some of those updates over the next few weeks :)

  15. Allow Facebook logins from the Android app

    I've found that I can connect with Facebook on the website, but not through my Android phone. Consistency is king.

    4 votes

    Hi Vinod,

    We apologize for this, but we haven’t had time to include Facebook login on iPhone or Android yet. The reason why it’s been such a low priority is that Facebook login has not been especially popular users thus far and doesn’t add a lot of functionality.

    We don’t have any plans to add facebook login on the phones soon, but you can work-around this issue by “resetting your password” on the website, and typing in the email address of the email associated with that facebook account.

    I’m sorry we’re so quickly breaking support for a feature. My apologies, and let me know if you need any more assistance!


  16. make tip post tax

    Currently the tip calculates the percentage of the bill pre-tax. Typically, you'll tip off of the total supplied on the receipt which is post-tax.

    4 votes

    As a former waitress that hated getting my tip based on the pre-tax amount I think this is a great idea!

    We’ll talk about how to possibly implement both options (pre and post tax) in our our next meeting.

  17. Keep former group members in the transaction history

    When a old group member is settled up and removed, his name becomes "[removed]" in the transaction history. It'd be useful to still have his name for record-keeping.

    4 votes
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  18. have option to display debt to individuals instead of to group when viewing groups

    I wanted to use groups but it fell apart because it didn't display the total debt for people. Since I imported all of my info from billmonk for this group, groups became totally worthless. Now it is troublesome to assign a debt to a group of people.

    4 votes

    Hey! we love feedback, I hope your Uservoice name is for another company:)

    You can currently see the total debt of an individual (including the groups they are involved in) on their friendship tab. I could see that having that information in the group (or the ability to switch views within a group) would be neat. I’ll bring this up with my co workers at our next meeting and see if they think this is something we want to do.

  19. Add friend of friends as your friends

    It is possible that we may have common friends between multiple people who have not yet been added in our friend. It'll be easier to add a friend from our friend's friend list

    4 votes
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  20. allow us to save the "Settle up" "Simplify debts" summary as a PDF.

    The "Simplify debts" works great and is what i'd like to email to the group rather than the full summary PDF.

    4 votes

    This is an interesting proposal, and one I could see useful with people inside the groups. I’ll talk with my co workers at our next meeting to see if/when we can get that on our road map.



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