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869 results found

  1. Textbox for Quantity

    Next to the $ text box add a text box for Quantity which will help reduce the amount of time the user when entering itemized bills

    5 votes
    1 comment  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  2. Split capability for who paid

    It will be nice to have the same ability for who paid that exists when friends are being charged like percentage, shares, etc for e.g. if two people paid and 10 people were part of a dinner. 1 person paid for 7 people and 1 paid for 3. There could also be a scenario where two people paid 50% of the total bill split among 10 friends

    5 votes

    Interesting suggestion :) The vast majority of expenses on Splitwise are paid by only one person, so this isn’t a high priority for us, but we’ll chat about this at our next team meeting. Thanks for the feedback!

  3. Automatic mail trigger for settlement

    Automatic mail should be trigger to me inorder remain me for settlement. the remainder mail can be monthly or weekly or biweekly based on the setup done by the user

    5 votes
    1 comment  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    By default, Splitwise sends a monthly summary email to all users, telling them about the expenses that have been added this month and reminding them how much they owe. We’ve talked about adding an option to receive this email weekly, but I’m not sure if/when that will happen.

  4. android app for tablet

    Recently saw in the promotional mail for "Plates" that the android app will get a much needed update. Will the new app be optimised for Tablets also. I have the current splitwise app on my Nexus 7 tablet and it is a very bad user experience. Any timeline on the new version and tablet optimisation?

    5 votes
    1 comment  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  5. Should allow sending invites to friends of friends

    When I see a transaction of which I am part of, I should be able to directly invite other people in that transaction.

    It's probable that I want to add them to another bill but at the moment I have to invite them by their email id's (which might turn out to be different from the one they use for splitwise)

    5 votes
    1 comment  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  6. Make app less US-centric

    It would be great if the categories used were less US-centric. This is not just about specific words used (e.g. Trash vs. Rubbish/Garbage), but also about typical practices. For instance, in the UK, rubbish (trash) is usually collected by the local council, which also supplies other services (e.g. street cleaning) and charges a fixed amount of Council Tax based on house size. So really UK users could do with having a "Council Tax" category (pretty much everyone in the UK pays this).

    5 votes

    I’ll pass this on! The vast majority of our users are from the US, so we’ll probably always be a bit US-centric, but we’ll try to make things a bit more tailored for other countries as well.

  7. summary of all the expenses per category

    It would be very usefull to know how much each one has spent since the creation of the account for each category.

    5 votes
    1 comment  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Interesting idea – I’ll pass it on at our next team meeting!

    In the meantime, you can already view monthly category summaries on the web by going to a friend/group/all expenses and clicking the “Trends” button at the top of the right-hand column. Then click the “view full charts” link at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar.

    Alternately, you could try exporting your expenses with any friend or group to a spreadsheet, and then building charts from that.

  8. Enable a toggle between simplify debts "on" and "off"

    "Simplify debts" is by far the easiest way to get squared up, say, at the end of the month. However, it confuses the heck out of some of my friends who get confused by the idea of owing a whole bunch of money to one person to whom they might not owe anything directly (eg "Why do I own $100 to person A? She never lent me money" "well it's because you own person B money, and person B owes person A" ... you get the idea.

    If you could quickly toggle between the simplified and unsimplified debts, it would…

    5 votes
    3 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion, and sorry for the trouble! We definitely want to make “simplify debts” a bit clearer, though we’ve had trouble successfully doing that. (That’s actually one of the reasons it’s buried in the settings now – some people used to turn it on and off quite frequently, and then OTHER members of their groups would get confused about why their balances were changing.) I like the idea of a temporary toggle, though, to just “preview” what the group would look like the other way. I’ll pass on the feedback and see if we can add it to our list of future updates :)

  9. include 'View Printable Summary' option on Mobile App

    The option to View Printable Summary in Web is great. It will be quite useful in mobile app as well if it comes with an option to email the friends involved in the group.

    5 votes
    2 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion! We’d definitely like to add something like the printable summary view to our mobile apps in the future. It may take us some time, as we’re working on some other features at the moment, but hopefully you’ll see that feature soon!

  10. Spit Tip equally (separate from itemised bill and tax)

    When eating out it makes sense to split the bill as per who ordered what, but with a tip an option to split equally would be nice.

    Sometimes the dishes aren't too far apart in price and you are paying for the service, so we frequently split the tip equally.

    5 votes
    4 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  11. Few Reports

    Please add few reports like person wise expense sheet, total expense sheet, monthly breakups

    5 votes
    under review  ·  2 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  12. Expenditure summary

    I love this application, thanks for saving a lot of time spending what I owe and what I get. I have a suggestion of a expenditure summary of a trip or a for that matter any other category in Excel tabular format or pdf format that ways I know what every one spent during whole trip or month or customs date for a particular group

    5 votes
    3 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Hey Gururaj – thanks for the suggestion! We actually have a few export features like this on our website, which haven’t made it to our mobile app yet. If you log in to your account on and navigate to a group, you should be able to view printable summaries for any month (by clicking the “view printable summary” link above each month’s expenses), or you can export an Excel spreadsheet of all expenses by clicking the settings icon at the top of the right sidebar, then choosing “Export as spreadsheet”. Hopefully some export features will make their way to our mobile apps in 2015!

  13. Different FOREX for each member of group

    When I travel I regularly use different currencies and so do my friends. Between every two pair of people there is a preferred currency of settlement and there is a set of currencies which they have access to. It would be great if people could choose which currencies they would like to be settled with in each transaction and people could define which currencies they are able to pay with (groupwise or at the transaction level). Splitwise would do its magic in when simplifying debt and would determine who owes who and what in which currency.
    Splitwise could also offer…

    5 votes
    3 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion! I know Splitwise isn’t perfect for people using large numbers of currencies all at once, and that’s something we want to keep improving over time. I’ll add this to our list of possible improvements for the future :)

  14. Integrate Square Cash Mail-to and Yodlee Payment Integration

    1. Any plans to integrate square cash into the platform? They don't have an API, but you could integrate the mail-to functionality to trigger an email. I really hate using Venmo and still leave your site to make payments.

    2. Have you considered integrating Yodlee into your platform? I currently use a combination of BillGuard and Splitwise. I think combining the two would be incredible. You could have a real time feed into splitwise of your most recent charges and then decide if you want to split them. You'd be able to monetize your app by charging a subscription for banking integration.

    5 votes
    under review  ·  1 comment  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  15. Settle up in groups by adding the debts outside of the group

    We are using split wise in a large group of people. We already have a great amount of groups which we never settle up with real money. When we delete a group for cleaning up splitwise all our debts get lost. It would be nice if splitwise would add the debts (only the debts to a specific person if simplify debts is on) from a group to outside of the group. So everything would stay in balance if you delete a group.

    5 votes

    Thanks for the suggestion! For now, you may want to check out the “Simplify debts with this person” option (web-only), which moves all of a person’s group debts out of the group. You can do this by clicking on a person’s name in the left sidebar, then clicking the settings icon at the top of the right sidebar and choosing “Simplify debts with this person”.

  16. Start and integrate with Google Apps.

    I am a Splitwise addict. I loved it and referred close to 30 people. I work with a startup in India and almost all companies in India/startups use Google Apps. (There is no other way).

    We have to submit show our bills to our HR every time to reimburse and we also have to split bills in most cases.

    Can you use/combine personal and professional accounts like Asana does (two emails) and access splitwise? This can be a great business plan for you too!

    5 votes

    Thanks for the suggestion – this is a clever idea! We’ve thought about Splitwise for business purposes before, but so far we’ve focused on friends and roommates instead. I’ll add this idea to our list of possible improvements for the future :)

  17. Adding more options in the fairness calculator for splitting rent, such as who is sharing what bathroom.

    I'm living with 3 friends two which are brothers. One of the brothers has a bathroom in his room who he shares with his brother while he's not sleeping mainly. My room doesn't have a window and is somewhat awkwardly arranged with a door to the outside. The other two rooms are identical. The idea is to basically add more options to describe who's sharing what besides common rooms and such. As of right now I pay $525, roommate 2 pays $608, and brothers pay $633, the older brother having the room with the bathroom for a close total of…

    5 votes

    Thanks for the suggestions! We’d really love to update the rent calculator at some point. I’m not sure exactly when it will next get updated, but I’ll add this to our list of possible improvements :)

  18. Add an option to select first day of week

    Add an option under profile to select the first day of the week: Monday or Sunday.
    This option is then taken into account when showing the calendar / date selector.

    5 votes
    2 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Hi there,

    Thanks for the suggestion! We always appreciate ideas to make Splitwise better. Having support for a different first day of the week makes complete sense, and is most definitely an interesting suggestion.

  19. Email notification for settlement

    Hello Team,

    First of all I would like to thank for developing this wonderful app. I am using this app since 2012. I would like to give you a suggestion. While sending an email reminder to person in grp, and when I am not involved in settlement then in that email, person who has to pay should be "To" and person who has to receive can be in "CC". So that both person will have end-to-end communication.

    Right now only person who is sending reminder is in CC and perosn who has to pay is in To. So include the…

    5 votes
  20. Total money spent VS. Individual share of money (in a month)

    Hi Team,

    After activating the splitwise pro feature, i can see the graph feature in my account for expenses over a period of time.

    But what i think will be much more useful is my share of those expenses throughout the timeline.

    For example, on 10th of a month i spent 10k split between 4 people as rent.
    Then in the graph it should show my expenditure on that date as 2.5k which is 1/4th of 10k .
    This is how i will know on which day how much is my expenditure exactly, and not how much i lent.


    5 votes

    Fair enough! Thanks for the feedback, that makes sense. To be clear, the X/Y axis is a balance, not total spending, but you are correct about the pie chart.

    Currently, you CAN see your share of things month by month via the “charts” tab on the upper right of the website, and then view full details to see only you share. But I’m leaving this under review to see if any other Pro users feel the same way.




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