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869 results found

  1. Payment options available/changeable in account settings

    It would be good to select whether or not you would like payments to be received by paypal or not. Sometimes people, like myself, have more than one Paypal account and not necessarirly the one used for splitwise is the correct one. So adding the option to either say you are not accepting paypal payments or the option the change the paypal account would be very helpful and not require to return funds.

    6 votes

    Thanks for the suggestion. This is something we are planning! We can’t give you a specific date yet, but we are hoping to implement this feature in the medium term future.

  2. Redenomination of Belarussian ruble.

    In July 2016 a new Belarusian ruble will be introduced, at a rate of 1 new ruble = 10,000 old rubles (

    Are you guys have plans to support stuff like that? I mean can it be automatically converted when redenomination is finished?

    6 votes
    4 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    This use case is a first for Splitwise and provides some unique challenges. We are looking at what can be done to support this change, but want to do it in a way that doesn’t cause confusion amongst existing users. Suggestions are welcome.

  3. 3D Touch / Force Touch frequent contacts

    In iOS, it would be great to be able to set frequent contacts (and groups) so they appear in the 3D Touch / force touch menu on the app icon. This would speed up creating new bills for people or groups that you frequently interact with.

    Thank you and keep up the good work!

    6 votes
    1 comment  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion, that makes a lot of sense! I could also imagine the Splitwise app automatically showing your top friends when you use Force Touch, or maybe showing you the most recent person/group that you split an expense with. I’ll pass on your feedback and add it to our list of ideas for future updates :)

  4. Vietnamese

    I would need to have Vietnamese translations.

    6 votes
  5. 6 votes
    2 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion! Our system depends on using 2 decimal places right now, which doesn’t make sense with a lot or currencies like INR. It’s not something we’re going to be able to fix soon, but it is something we’re hoping to get to eventually.


  6. Have all details viewable (comments, notes, etc.) for all transactions, including deleted ones.

    I add comments on transactions before I delete them, noting why they were deleted.

    I can see the details of deleted transactions on Splitwise Mobile App, but I cannot see them on the web app.

    Please allow us to see all details. :)

    6 votes
    28 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  7. Option to group expenses in Graphs

    Being able to have a graphical report in Splitwise is what made try it this month for the household expenses. But I would like to have the option to see the graph of expenses with the overall category. For example: not just "cinema", "dining out", etc. but the option to see all "entertainment" as one slice of the graph, as well as "housing" and "utilities". That would be more very helpful for budgeting - again the reason I'm trying Splitwise (and Pro)

    6 votes
    0 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  8. Add kittens to the web app!

    This is pretty silly and probably more complex than it seems but it would be awesome if you added kittens to the web app somewhere. Unless you have and I've missed them...

    6 votes
    0 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  9. Don't consider accents when searching for a friend's name


    I have a friend whose first name is "Émilie". Note the accented É since the name is in French.

    When searching for names, her name does not appear if I type "Emi"; it only appears when typing "Émi".

    Would it be possible not to consider accents when searching?


    6 votes
    0 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  10. improve grocery category auto-detection

    Please add common Austrian Supermarkets like Billa/Hofer/Merkur/Spar to the auto-detection algorithm for the grocery category. Thanks!

    Also, mandatorily signing me up to product updates just to give you feedback kinda does not make me want to give you feedback. Just a thought.

    6 votes
  11. Copy Group Members for new Group

    We often plan multiple events using similar group members. We would like the option to copy the list of group members to a new group when creating it. Maybe as a checkbox selection process. This would allow the new group creator to very quickly say these 10 of 12 people are going to participate in the new group. And then continue to add new members to the group.

    6 votes
  12. Keep the details of the deleted bill intact.

    I would suggest to keep the details of the deleted bill intact even if it is deleted. Allow viewing of the deleted bill in detail from dashboard instead of just showing a message in the event list that the bill was deleted. This will permit viewing of any bill that has been deleted by mistake and any unauthorised delete can be detected.

    5 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →

    If you look at a deleted bill in the Android and iPhone app from the recent activity feed, you can see the details of the bill and undelete it if you want.


  13. Add more settlement alternatives, e.g. if someone is away

    Sometimes a group member is away, this makes settlement as suggested complicated.
    We need more settlement possibilities. Especially it would be great to see a recap of who owes what to whom, BEFORE aggregating the amounts.
    This would be a basic settlement option that one can use to quickly see who owes what to whom, without trying to make any offset between members. This way if one member defaults/leave without paying what it owes, it can be removed from the equation and the settlement view is still usable.

    5 votes

    Having multiple ways to calculate who’s owes who what within a group is an interesting idea. I could see this being extra convenient for this reason -and many others. I’ll bring it up with the team and we’ll see where this can fit into our schedule.

  14. change the "you owe" block for an entered bill in a group once the bill has been settled.

    Currently am in in a group that had a bill that has now been settled by all individuals. The group screen still shows (and draws my attention to) the "you owe" some amount with the amount showing in red. After settling my portion of the bill I would prefer one of these ideas for a change here:
    - change the colour of the dollar value to a less attention grabbing one;
    - a strike-through on the amount as it has been paid;
    - a small indication of the bill being settled/paid
    - change to the text to read "previously owed",…

    5 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →

    We probably won’t handle this issue the way you describe (though we review this regularly to see if we can). We have added some changes that hide expenses whenever an account hits a $0 point overall. If everyone in your group is settle up at a given time, the web interface will hide expenses older than that. We will probably bring this to our other platforms as well.


  15. Discount Coupons

    Can you guys try and add discount coupons for the items which I buy frequently ( Which you can m/c learn from my shopping history ) from the shops ( drop down menu of shops in my locality ? ) which I shop from often in my locality ? I understand that's a lot of work to do. But just thought if implemented will also get you some constant revenue ?

    5 votes

    I think this is awesome! I’d love to see us be able to connect with retailers and have them give out coupons based on purchases. I’ll bring this up with my team and see if it’s something we’d like to consider long term.

  16. Selecting members involved

    I have a big list of people and selecting people involved in a bill is a pain in the butt to me, as I have to scroll down and painstakingly look at all the ones. I suggest that if you have several columns ( as in a grid with all the people) it will be so much easy to check the people involved and check my checks as-well.

    5 votes
  17. Triple Occupancy!

    Rooms in my area are frequently shared by 3 people. It would be great if you could add this triple occupancy option to the rent split calculator!

    5 votes
  18. Record Individual Payments

    I wish your app would specify what I owe money for.

    Example: Dominique owes $71.82 for PG&E

    I appreciate that Splitwise tries to even everything out but I would like to see itemized what I owe.

    5 votes

    We’re working on some ideas on how to make it clearer why you owe what you owe – we know it could be improved. Itemization is actually surprisingly tricky, but it’s definitely an option and one that we’re looking into.

  19. Support Mozilla Persona for login

    Currently I can only login via Facebook or use my email address and password to login. If your site supports Mozilla persona, then I'd not have to use passwords but still choose my email.

    Please see: for more information. It doesn't take a huge change on your backend, I'm sure. If you are interested please see:

    5 votes
  20. Have amount owed and total bill amount in the history

    In the bill history section (the screen that shows when you click the little flag next to the logo) currently it only shows the amount owed or the amount I need to pay. However if I want to check if a certain bill is loaded it is easier to see the total amount of the bill. So can you add the total bill amount to that screen? Thanks!

    5 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →



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