My feedback
9 results found
501 votes
Splitwise has some basic support for this now, depending on what you’re looking for. We now support multiple email addresses for a single account, so you can more easily share one account with multiple people.
However, we won’t automatically adjust how much you should owe as a “couple”. For example, if “Bob” adds an expense with “Sue and John’s Couple Account”, then the bill will be split 50/50 between those two Splitwise accounts. I can definitely see how it would be useful to automatically make Sue and John pay for 2 shares, but we’re unlikely to add that feature in the near future. For now, you can still work around this by manually using the “Split by shares” option when adding a bill, and assigning 2 shares to the relevant account.
subodhd supported this idea · -
835 votes
We’d love to make Splitwise better for tracking personal expenses (though we’re mostly focused on splitting for the time being). For now, your best bet is probably to make a new group for personal expenses, with yourself as the only member.
subodhd supported this idea · -
36 votes
I really like this idea, and can see why people would want it (including myself who needs to organize everything obsessively by time). We’ve talked about doing this and think it’s a good addition, but it will be a little bit before we can get it in there.
subodhd supported this idea · -
33 votes
Thanks for the suggestion! Our mobile apps don’t really support this yet, but we do have something like this on our website – just log in, go to a particular friend or group, and click the “view printable summary” link at the top of each month’s bills. You’ll get a summary that includes balances at the beginning and end of the month, as well as net change for the month.
subodhd supported this idea · -
160 votes
I can see how group-wide emails would be useful, and we’d definitely like to add that feature in the future.
subodhd supported this idea · -
168 votes
I think this is a great idea! It’s not on the roadmap yet due to lots of other priorities voted higher, but one we’ve discussed and agreed totally makes sense. Thanks for submitting.
- Jon
17 votes
We have a slightly different solution in mind, but it should handle this issue.
subodhd supported this idea · -
83 votes
Debt simplification can be disabled in groups on the group settings screen – just turn the “simplify debts?” switch to off under “Advanced settings”.
We don’t currently have a setting to block yourself from debt simplifications among friends, but it’s something we may consider in the future. In the meantime, you can revert a debt simplification at any time by deleting any part of it, and the entire transaction will be undone.
subodhd supported this idea · -
4 votes
Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll add this to our list of possible features for the future. For now, you could try exporting a spreadsheet from the friend screen – you can only do it for one friend at a time, but it’ll list all of your non-group expenses with that particular person.
subodhd shared this idea ·