173 results found
Log individual costs too
The ability to log individual costs for a holiday as well as group costs would be great to show how much an event such as a holiday has cost each person.
1 voteThanks for the suggestion! You should be able to see your share of expenses in the group totals under the more menu. It’s very basic, but should show you the individual cost in the group.
Currency conversion in the app
As a pro subscriber I'd like to be able to do the currency conversion in the app not just on the web version
70 votesCurrency Conversion is available as a Pro feature on all platforms!
You can convert the currency of expenses in a group or friendship to your default currency via the menu in the header of a groups or friendships in both our Android and iOS apps.
If you’d like to convert expenses to a different currency you can do so by (temporarily) changing your default currency from your Account Settings page.
Allow scanning of bills
When I ass expense please allow importing of scanned bill so that it can be better tracked
3 votesIf you’re using our mobile apps, you can add a picture of a bill/receipt by tapping on the camera icon while adding an expense.
If you’re using our website, choose the “Add image/notes” option while adding a bill. The website allows you to attach images as well as files such as PDF or documents.
Really amazing application
On each expanse it shows the time like.. 3 days ago,2 weeks ago..
But there should be a exact date and time on activities.
And a search feature so than one can easily search the particular expanse..Thanks..
1 voteThanks for the message! We don’t plan to show exact dates in the recent activity feed, but you can tap a recent activity feed item to view a specific expense, and THAT should include the exact date.
Search is a part of Splitwise Pro, our optional pro version. If you’re interested, you can subscribe to Splitwise Pro at :)
13 votes
There should be a camera icon on all of our platforms to let you attach an image when you add an expense.
Attachment option: to attach a copy for the bill
When working in big groups and specially with some people in the group who you do not know too well, it would be good to have a option where in while entering the amount there is an upload bill option. With this all people in the group can see where the money was spent and is the claim genuine.
7 votesThis feature is already available on both iOS and Android.
While adding a bill, look for a camera icon or receipt option, this allows you to take a picture of the bill and attach it along with the transaction. This picture is then permanently recorded with the expense, and is available to all users involved in the expense.
Sync users' email and phone numbers.
Some of my friends have registered using their email IDs and others have used their phone #s. Every time I add a friend, I am required to enter the correct credentials with which they have registered.
It would make a great app much better if these details could be synced automatically.
One way could be to take the user's permission and update the phone number upon installation/update.5 votesOur system remembers the multiple email addresses and phone number a user has associated with their Splitwise account so they can be added by any of these pieces of information. However, these are still dependent on the user adding them or accepting an invite from another email address. Also be aware that they are under the control of the user so they can be removed from their account if they do not want this information there which will prevent them from being added by it.
227 votes
A basic version of this feature (“View group totals”) is now on all platforms: iPhone, Android, and web! You can also analyze more details group totals by exporting your group expenses to a spreadsheet, which is also available on all platforms.
We hope to keep improving this feature over time, so feel free to make suggestions below. Thanks!
Currency Selection
Allow multiple currency selections to show only commonly used currencies for travel expenses instead of long list
47 votesRemembering recent currency selections should be available on both mobile apps at this point!
Recurring expense
Every moth there will be some common recurring expenses, I wish you can allow us to duplicate/ copy an existing expense so we can update and save as new. For example I have mobile expense split between 4 people in different way (not equally), every month it's same, so it's a pain to enter everything again and again. If I can just copy and recreate, then entering finite details like service name/ or splitting details/ etc will be eliminated.
13 votesWe actually have a feature for recurring bills already, if that’s what you’re looking for! Just tap on the date when adding a bill, and you can set it to recur as often as you’d like – new copies of the bill will automatically be generated each week/month/etc.
If I’ve misunderstood what you’re asking for, just leave a comment and let me know what you mean, and I’d be happy to pass on the feedback :)
Splitwise in spanish?
It could be possible?
7 votesIt’s here if you haven’t found it already.
Touch ID for security with optional passcode
Introduce Touch ID for security with optional passcode
34 votesUpdate: this is now available on iPhone. To enable, go to the Me tab and click on Passcode. Once you’ve added a passcode, you will be able to use Touch ID or the passcode to unlock the app.
Yep, great idea, it’s on our list of cool things we’d love to do :) Thanks for submitting.
- Jon
Reallocate payments upon settling up to minimize transfers between group members
While i love splitwise, when a group is large, the total number of payments needed to settle up becomes unmanageable. We had 13 people in the group and settling up required each person to make payment to or get payment from the other 12 people, resulting in 144 total transfers. In some cases, the amount was less than $1. Instead, if Person A owes Person B and Person B owes Person C, Splitwise should have Person A pay Person C directly as opposed to having two separate payments. This would make the app exponentially better!
17 votesSo sorry for the trouble – we actually do this already! If you go into your group’s settings and turn on the “simplify debts” option, we’ll automatically reallocate payments to reduce the total number of payments necessary. Hope that helps!
1 vote
Transactions should already be sorted by date in our mobile apps. If you’re having issues, please send us a screenshot at Sorry for the trouble!
Export data to spreadsheet directly from app
To see how money was spent and make critical reviews.
7 votesUpdate: This is now available on iPhone and Android!
We hear you loud and clear! Spreadsheet export will soon be available on iPhone, and a bit later on Android.
Right now, you CAN export to spreadsheet but only on the website. You can do this by going to the group/friend in question, then clicking on the settings “gear” in the upper right, then “Export as spreadsheet.”
Jon -
Allow partial settlement of bills
currently entire owed amount can be settled. allow partial settlement such as 200 settled out of 1000 that was owed
4 votesHey there! Splitwise should already allow you to record partial settlements – after you hit “Settle up”, just delete the number from the amount field and enter any number that you’d like. Splitwise will add a record of your payment, and your total balance will update accordingly.
Monthly total expenses
In All expenses field we can see the expenses for the month but it doesn't have the total expenses.
Instead of manual calculation if you could provide total expenses for every month then it would be great!
6 votesThis is now available on all of our platforms!
Settling up in multiple currencies
If you have debts in multiple currencies you can't see how much you owe if the debt go beyond two lines. You also cannot chose what order you want to settle up currencies. This is inconvenient.
12 votesBoth mobile platforms should now display balances in multiple currencies more completely and should show more options when settling up to handle these cases.
Show us all the Data.
I noticed today that there are just last 5 months of data and transactions are shown what if I need to see more or all the transaction since I joined the split-wise.
Please advice and have us an ability to select how much data you wants to see and you can store that data on our phone. Not on your server.
Thank You,
KruPesh Patel6 votesSorry for the confusion! Splitwise actually keeps all of your data indefinitely – if you’re no longer seeing an old expense, it’s most likely because someone else deleted that bill, or because an old group was automatically hidden due to inactivity.
If you’d like to download a copy of your data, you can always export any group or friend to a spreadsheet on our website. Just log in, click on a friend or group in the left sidebar, then click the settings icon at the top of the right sidebar and choose “Export as spreadsheet”.
7 votes
Hey there – you can actually update your profile picture already! You should be able to change your picture in our mobile app by going to the settings screen and tapping on your current picture. You can also change your picture from our website by logging in to and going to the account settings page. Hope that helps!