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869 results found

  1. Link to PicPay (as a payment option)!

    PicPay is a Brazilian app that looks like Venmo (cause you can pay friends with the app). We don't have Venmo here so that PicPay option would be an excellent idea!

    7 votes
  2. Add Bizum payment

    It would be perfect if you add the payment method "Bizum". In Spain is very common. It's like paypal payment.


    7 votes
  3. Show all the group expenses

    It would be great to have a screen where I could see all the expenses and the paid items by payer. It's awkward that I can only see my share of the items on the main dashboard. I want to be able to see a summary of who paid for what and how much it was originally, without having to click on each item.

    6 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →

    Thank you very much for this suggestion! I can see why someone would want that information available to them without having to dig deeper on individual expenses. This is something we’ll consider for future updates.

  4. Expenses Report

    In the PDF report, we have date,description,cost & balance columns in individual member's page.It will be gr8 if you add column "Expenses By" which should contain name of person who has spent money on this transaction.

    6 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  5. In the subject line of "Bill added by ..." email, include the amount you owe.

    It apparently gives my roommate a mini heart attack every time she sees "Bill ($$$$) added by Person".

    Please consider altering the subject line to something like "Bill ($$$$) added by Person (you owe $$$)". Hell, maybe just leave the amounts out of the subject altogether, and leave all the details for the body of the message.

    6 votes
  6. Integrate with GoCardless for Payments

    It would be great to avoid the pain and frustration of paypal and just link my GoCardless account with Splitwise so people could pay me via the app or a simple GoCardless URL

    They ( offer really simple payments with a 1% transaction charge up to a maximum of £2.

    Their API is fantastic, very well documented and I think it would be very simple to integrate with.

    6 votes
    4 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  7. Yearly Spreadsheet option

    I'd like to be able to do a print out of the entire year in a spread sheet, so I can calculate my own portions of bills for the entire tax year.

    6 votes
  8. Add print option

    Wanted to be able to print Trip split calculator to pass out to group of people before the trip. I can print it via web but looks better if it have print option for registered user to print it in print format.

    6 votes
    2 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  9. Connection with Foursquare

    Can you connect with location based services such as Foursquare? It is wonderful to wait for this feature.

    6 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →

    Cool idea! We’ve definitely thought about Foursquare connections to auto-tag expenses, and we’ll definitely think about it more if lots more folks think it would be cool.

    - Jon

  10. add the "quick add" function in Dashboard and "All expenses"

    just the same way it's already there if you click on a person.

    I understand (and support) the compromise to "hide" this function in the drop down menu in the orange "Add a bill" button as most users don't use the function and would be possibly confused if it wouldn't be "hidden".

    But I totally don't understand this lack of consistency where some orange "Add a bill" buttons have this pull down menu (the ones you see if you click on a person) and some other orange "Add a bill" buttons looking the same and being at the same position…

    6 votes
    0 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    We’d like to add quick-add to the dashboard and all expenses pages in the future, but we want to spend some time improving quick-add first. As it is now, quick-add could cause some unfortunate scenarios – say, adding a bill from the dashboard and accidentally splitting it with every single one of your friends, instead of just the one person you meant to.

    Hopefully we’ll be able to spruce up quick-add and bring it to those other screens sometime in the not-too-distant future.

  11. Email link should directly go to the expense instead of just the group

    The URL should contain an extra parameter for expense, and the user should be highlighted that particular expense to make it easier

    6 votes
  12. Allow fixed and percentage splitting

    I used to use billmonk and it had an awesome feature which splitwise is lacking. It is the ability to split by fixed amount and percentage.

    eg. Total bill: $38.50

    UserA: $10.30
    UserB: 1/2 of remainder
    UserC: 1/2 of remainder

    Of course, if there were more users, it will be 1/3, 1/4 of remainder.
    Would be great to see this feature implemented!

    Thanks :)

    6 votes
    0 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Hi Anon,

    Thanks for the cool suggestion. Yes, there have been a couple situations where I would have done this myself. Our new Plates app for iPhone can do this for dinner bills, and I’ve certainly found it useful there.


  13. update Plates to share totals over AirDrop (iOS 7)

    I love Plates, and I think the UI is simple and easy to use. When I need to share the totals with the table, text and email options are nice, but sometimes I don't have their contact information.

    AirDrop would allow me to send it to them without that info. Being able to AirDrop would make splitting dinner with acquaintances that much easier! Perfect example of this for me: I was at a brunch with 10 people after a wedding at a diner. I only knew 2 of the people at the table. Plates saved the day and made sense…

    6 votes
    0 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  14. Add group AND other friends to expense

    Say I'm sharing a meal with my roommates and some other friends. We split the bill using splitwise, and now my roommates owe me money, and so does the other friends. I'm behind in the "Roommates" group, so I want the part of the bill involving my roomies to appear in the group, and the part regarding my other friends to appear individually under "friends".

    Adding the group to the bill simply translates to whomever is in the group, and now there are two seprate expenses being tracked, which is confusing.

    Could it be possible to have an expense listed…

    6 votes

    This is actually tricky for technical reasons, because of how we organize and handle expenses on our servers. Group + friend expenses aren’t very common from what we’ve seen, but I’ll pass on the suggestion and see if it’s something for our long-term to-do list.

  15. Add a tolerance level for transfers

    We really don't care if someone is owed under $5. It would be nice if you could set a tolerance level, so that if someone is owed under that amount, it just shows as "Settled".

    This feature was in Settle Up and made things much more clean!

    6 votes
  16. build a feature that lets someone add an expense now but select a later date (or multiple dates) for it to "hit"

    Just sent this to the "contact support" group....

    I'd love a feature that allows me to add an expense immediately but choose a later date or dates at which it will be added to expense calculations. Some possible choices:

    -simple "save until next month" option
    -select the specific date that it will be included in group calculations
    -spread the cost across the next 3, 6, or 12 months
    -hold for low expense month: Splitwise knows average monthly cost and automatically drops expense into month with below-average expenses

    Thanks! I use this tool for many groups, including managing a 7-person house.

    6 votes
    4 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the detailed suggestion! I can definitely see how this’d be useful, though we’d want to be careful and make sure the extra options don’t cause undue confusion. I’ll add this to our list of possible improvements to discuss :)

  17. Ability to change country setting

    I love the Splitwise integration with Venmo, it makes settling up so much more easier. Though I had to struggle a bit to understand why I was not able to see that option on Splitwise when I moved to the US last year and installed Venmo on my phone.

    Turns out, I had set up my Splitwise account back in India, and since Venmo integration is available only in the US I was not able to get the "Settle with Venmo" link on my app/web page because my country was still set to India. I had to contact Splitwise support…

    6 votes

    Sorry for the trouble! Yeah, our automatic country detection could use some improvements to detect when someone moves, or when someone travels for a vacation. We probably can’t allow a person to choose ANY country they want (PayPal in particular has some requirements and restrictions we must enforce), but we might be able to re-detect someone’s country with a button on the account settings page, or something like that.

  18. Simplifying removal of users from a group

    Its a pain to delete all the expenses of a user before removing him. I suggest that there should be a dialogue box which pops up asking the user who should the debt be passed on to in the group instead of showing an error saying that you cant remove that person. So for example if A is leaving the group where B and C owe him 105 and 110 respectively. Then if D is removing A, he/she should pay A 215 and then the app should show that B owes A 105, and C owes A 110. Doing this…

    6 votes
    1 comment  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    I think I see your use case. I’m not sure if we’d implement it the way you suggest, but basically the issue is with groups that are very similar but changing slightly from week to week. I recommend increasing the size of the group and then unchecking people who are not there from the “split equally dialog” rather than removing them from the group. But I’ll leave the suggestion open as it’s an interesting point.

    - Jon

  19. Sharing money function

    Thank alot for a very very usefull application.
    I saw that in web version the sharing money has a custom tab that allows people to share each items in the bill. But I cannot find that tab in mobile version. I think that is a very reality function that will be good to be had on mobile version.
    By the way, Splitwise only be used for sharing money without expense management. If Splitwise includes expense management function. It's really an excellent application, I think.

    Thanks alot for your application.

    6 votes
    0 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    We have plans to add the various split methods available in the web to the mobile apps in time. However we’re a small dev team so we do not know when we’ll be able to achieve this for all splits on all platforms.

    - Aaron

  20. customize notifications for groups

    notofication for a partivular group can be turned off or on

    6 votes
    2 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →



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