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869 results found

  1. Maximum value of number is not big enough

    Hello. When adding a bill, maximum value of input number is not big enough. If I enter a number greater than max value of 4byte signed integer, it is bound to this value. I know this value is okay for ordinary expense in USD but sometimes it's small for special case like buying a new house, especially in KRW(1 usd = 10xx krw). I would appreciate if you check it out. Thank you.

    7 votes

    Sorry for the trouble! I’ll pass on the suggestion, but it may be a while before we fix this – accepting expenses that cost more than 8 digits would require us to make some database changes. In the meantime, apologies for the inconvenience!

  2. Show historical who owes whom what data

    I'd like to be able to prove to my roommates that the numbers on Splitwise reflect an accurate picture of how much we owe each other. Typically there is a point in time at which we all agree that the numbers were correct on splitwise (e.g. right before a new person joins the group, right before a big purchase, etc.), but we're less confident that everything's been entered since that point. So I'd like to be able to click a transaction in the list, and then click "Show me what the numbers looked like right after this item posted". Then…

    7 votes
    2 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    I definitely sympathize – piecing together why someone owes what they owe can be really difficult, especially when it involves lots of old expenses. I’ll pass on the suggestion, but for now, if you’re using a group, you might want to try the “view printable summary” option on our website (which you can find by going to a group, then clicking the “view printable summary” link at the top of each month’s expenses). The printable summary gives you a basic version of your suggested feature: it shows your balance at the beginning of a month, then each individual expense for the month, and then your balance at the end of the month.

    If you like Excel, you could also try the “Export to spreadsheet” option on the web (select a group, then click the settings icon at the top of the right sidebar, then choose “Export as spreadsheet”). It’s not…

  3. Allow select/deselect all in the simplify page

    In the simplify option in settings, since there are a lot of check boxes, and I usually select all of them, it would be nice if there was a select all option.

    7 votes
    1 comment  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  4. separate expenses that don't alter the nett balance owed eg for a car loan to a friend

    I would like to have the option of entering a record of money I've lent to a person that is separate to the running nett total eg for a large purchase that I've lent them money for and they are paying me back with interest that amount over time but that is seperate to everyday Bills which we do want to split and settle up in real time

    7 votes
    4 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion – I’ll pass it on! For now, my advice would be to create separate groups for the different kinds of debts that you’re tracking, which lets you keep multiple balances with the same person.

  5. Bill Share Calculator

    Hi guys,

    First things first - I love your app/wesbite. It has saved me so much time (and a few disagreements). It's fabulous!

    I saw you have a caluclator for fairly calcuating rent. I thought you could add a cacultator that allows you to fairly divvy up bills - I'm currently trying to figure out how much my housemate owes on a bill as she moved in partway during the billing period. I can figure it out by myself, but it would be a lot easier if there was an app or online calculator to do that for me!!


    7 votes

    Thanks for the suggestion! You might want to check out our travel calculator ( – it only goes up to 14 days, unfortunately, but it’s designed to handle cases where some people are only around for some parts of the month. You could use it as a rough guidelines for your bills (for example, if the new housemate was only around for 1/5th of the month, treat it like a 5-day vacation where he/she was only present for 1 day). Hope that helps!

  6. Make reimbursements look different than charges

    I got a rewards credit on my credit card statement, and since it was for joint charges, i wanted to split that extra $25 with him - aka he now owes me $12.50 less than before and I owe him $12.50 less. But nothing after the "create bill" screen makes the bill look like a credit and I'm having to do math manually to make sure it worked. Perhaps if reimbursements looked different than negative bills it would be easier to track these?

    7 votes
    0 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Sorry for the confusion! You’re definitely right that reimbursements aren’t presented very well…they’re a pretty rarely used feature, so we haven’t had a chance to give them much love yet. I’ll add this to our list of possible improvements for future updates – until then, apologies for the inconvenience!

  7. Payments through MercadoPago

    MercadoPago is the largest Payments platform in latín-america. I think integrate its wallet with splitwise would be awesome and very usefull.!

    7 votes
    0 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    We continually evaluate payment providers to integrate with but we cannot create integrations will all providers. We make attempts to integrate the most popular ones so please check back here to see see the status of your provider.

  8. To add the time at which bill is added by a person along with the price and date of the bill.

    When a bill is added, only the date and price of the bill is shown. I suggest you also add the time of the bill.. like when the person is adding the bill on Spiltwise (by App or by PC).

    7 votes
    2 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  9. have a search option in settle up

    It sucks when you have a lot of ppl on splitwise and you have scrol through it when you are looking for the name of the person you are "settling up" with(by clicking the settle up button on the dashboard)
    So having a search text box on top would be great

    7 votes
    2 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion! For now, you could try using the “filtering” search field in the left sidebar – just type in the name of the person you want to settle with, then click their name in the left sidebar, and then click the “Settle up” button as usual. Splitwise will automatically fill in that person as the person you’re settling up with.

  10. Allow pasting of clipboard image for bill receipt

    Allow pasting of clipboard image directly , for receipts in Splitwise bill instead of only allowing us to upload from PC. Many times, the bill receipts will be present in Gmail or Google photos. We could take a screenshot of that receipt by pasting it to the clipboard. If Splitwise provides a feature to directly paste the clipboard's image for bill receipts, instead of having to download that image or PDF and upload it, it'd be great.

    7 votes
    4 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  11. fix sync issues

    First of all I'd like to solute you for a VERY fine app, Really made our lives easier while we were travelling as a group of 5 guys in Romania.

    I would definitely want to fix the sync issue since:
    when we all sat down to settle the debts, some people clicked that they settled the debt and the guy they got the money from also clicked that the debt was settled so another negative debt was created, we figured it our quite fast but I wish this wasn't an issue. maybe if you'd let users sync their accounts…

    7 votes
    4 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion! We do have some specific sync bugs that need to be worked out, but generally, you should be able to pull to refresh on any page that has a list of expenses or people on it. Is this what you’re looking for?


  12. Automated payment reminders to friends to pay club memberships

    We have a club, where we would have about 10-15 people pay around $100 every 3 months, how can we set this up on an automated basis, so they get email reminders that we will take the money from them as agreed

    7 votes
    5 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion! We have a couple of features that come close to solving this issue (recurring expenses and reminders), but neither of them quite work in your case. We’ll take a look at this next time we’re working on either of these systems.


  13. Balance before settle up

    Hi Team,

    Splitwise made my tsk management much more easier than earlier. Appreciate the app very much. I have an idea to enhance the capability of the app to avoid discrepancies. Let's take an example that a person owe me 50 $ and as soo as he pays 20$ would see the balance as 30$. But I never know how much was the balance earlier. So I would suggest you to please display the before balance and after balance once the settle up button is clicked.

    7 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  14. Splitwise travel calculator. More than 14 days please!

    Just add a few more days to make the calculator more usable.

    7 votes
    4 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  15. Personalize split receipt items

    Right now is possible to delete the items or modify their amount after the scan.
    It would be great to can choose the split type between all the ones available for any single item. Even better by selecting more than one and then selecting the split type.

    7 votes
    2 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  16. Automatically add Uber receipts to a group expense

    I use Splitwise as an expense manager, and I add all my expenses in self-only group - would be great if Splitwise can OAuth login with Uber and automatically add the ride charges to splitwise

    7 votes
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  17. Payconiq

    Integration with Payconiq! Very easy to do! Without QR-code, just a link behind a button!

    7 votes
  18. paiement avec TWINT

    En Suisse nous avons une application de virement interbancaire qui s'appelle TWINT. Elle passe par le numéro de téléphone portable et les numéros de compte ou carte de crédit sont dans les paramètres de TWINT et donc non communiquée aux autres personnes.
    Cela serait tip top si nous pouvions sélectionner cette option dans le règlement des dettes en plus de cash ou PayPal.

    7 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →

    Merci de suggérer TWINT comme option de paiement! Je vais laisser cette question ouverte pour d’autres votes pour le moment.

    Thanks for suggesting TWINT as a payment option! I’ll leave this open for further voting for now.

  19. 7 votes
  20. Add categories for each individual itemized item

    When you scan a receipt you may have gone to a store and bought multiple categories of things, like groceries and household goods. You should be able to indicate which items on a receipt are which category.

    7 votes
    1 comment  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →



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