869 results found
Unequal Bill Dividing Calculation
One of my most common tasks with Splitwise is dividing a bill unequally with one other person. It would be very handy if entering the amount for one person would automatically calculate the remaining amount owed for the other individual.
112 votesWhoops, we’re still considering this idea. It does sounds like a useful improvement in the add expense form.
Managing recurring expenses
Our monthly electricity bill went up by a couple of euros, so I needed to change the recurring expense that I had setup for this. Although this is possible the process is a bit confusing. I'd suggest providing an overview of scheduled recurring expenses, separate from the list of expenses that have already been created as a result from these schedules, which is what I was looking for because I didn't really want to touch any previous expenses.
359 votesWe agree that managing recurring bills could be better. Currently, the way to edit recurring bills is to change the most recent copy and that will change ones that follow. It will not affect the past expenses.
We’re considering how to improve this, and will leave this under review for now. -
Record Individual Payments
I wish your app would specify what I owe money for.
Example: Dominique owes $71.82 for PG&E
I appreciate that Splitwise tries to even everything out but I would like to see itemized what I owe.
5 votesWe’re working on some ideas on how to make it clearer why you owe what you owe – we know it could be improved. Itemization is actually surprisingly tricky, but it’s definitely an option and one that we’re looking into.
27 votes
We do plan to integrate more payment methods beyond paypal, but will be doing it based on how many votes it gets on the forum here.
3 votes
Sending a reminder to the entire group makes sense, and we’re planning on adding push notifications at some point (though probably not text message notifications). Thanks for the suggestions!
allow custom date range for charts
allow charts to display info from more than just one month,
for example past two months or past year10 votesThis would be a logical way to make charts/group totals more flexible. It’s not on our roadmap yet, but hopefully it’s something we can consider for a future update.
Create "Create Plan" Option Under Payment
Wonderful job on the improvements over the past few months. I really appreciate the support I have gotten using this wonderful service!
I recently needed to borrow a good amount of money from my father as I am between jobs. Right now there's a huge balance, but there's also an understanding that I will pay him back over time now that I've found gainful employment.
This debt is the only thing I don't have a website to go to that tells me what my minimum payment is. I know that other debt situations with my friends/family in my life…
26 votesWe’ve been using Splitwise for this kind of thing internally for a while, so this could be something we add in the future, though it seems like a rarely used feature.
Data Display
I wish there was a way to see all the charges for one person over the past year that they have had to pay. Like, if one roommate gave me $50, then I could see $50, and then the successive bills added, which would take away from the $50. So I could see the build up and succession of payments and bills. I remember at some point, I could see a line graph of what one person owed so see how each bill affected how much they owed at a certain time. I can't seem to do that in the…
2 votesWe’ve talked about a feature like this – just haven’t gotten around to it yet! Thanks for the suggestion :)
add an option to filter expenses I am 'Not Involved' in the 'All Expenses' and 'Groups' view
There could be a lot of transactions I am 'Not involved' in, more importantly not interested in.... A filter would help clear up any mess..
13 votesWe do have this in groups right now. I’m not sure we’ll add it to the all expenses view and will probably just add search and filtering to that list.
Sync with Gmail contacts when entering email addresses for a group
When I create a group, I should be able to access Gmail contacts when I enter their addresses
3 votesWe’re looking at revamping our various invite flows over the net couple of months
Offer ways to sort "all expenses" - by date, highest debt amount, lowest debt amount, type of expense, etc.
Love this site!
1 voteThis does sound useful, but probably won’t be a high priority for us for a while.
Triple Occupancy!
Rooms in my area are frequently shared by 3 people. It would be great if you could add this triple occupancy option to the rent split calculator!
5 votesThanks for the suggestion! We’ll keep this in mind if we update the rent calculator at some point in the future :)
Recurring expenses
It would be nice to have the ability to have recurring payments be able to be posted earlier than 7 days. For example, I'd like to have rent post in the middle of the month as opposed to just 7 days before it's due. Maybe it can be stretched to 14 days/2 weeks?
10 votes -
Family/Couples' account
When I was using Billmonk a few years ago, my wife and I started out with separate accounts, but since we share finances, often times we'd be repaying debts for one another (since we have the same friends) and it got confusing. My solution was to just turn my account into "Joe&Jane Smith" and have all our expenses go through one account and removed her account completely.
I'm not sure the ideal implementation for this situation. Perhaps a "family account." Perhaps the ability to add multiple email addresses would work (but unlike a previous feature request, this application would be…
501 votesSplitwise has some basic support for this now, depending on what you’re looking for. We now support multiple email addresses for a single account, so you can more easily share one account with multiple people.
However, we won’t automatically adjust how much you should owe as a “couple”. For example, if “Bob” adds an expense with “Sue and John’s Couple Account”, then the bill will be split 50/50 between those two Splitwise accounts. I can definitely see how it would be useful to automatically make Sue and John pay for 2 shares, but we’re unlikely to add that feature in the near future. For now, you can still work around this by manually using the “Split by shares” option when adding a bill, and assigning 2 shares to the relevant account.
View total individual expense in pdf summary
Splitwise has so much potential as a finance management tool rather than just expense tracking. But the format of the pdf summary generated kind of spoils the party.
One simple change that would help a lot is having the total expenses made by each person listed in the summary rather than just the amount owed. This would be extremely helpful.
It would also make more sense than the current format where the total cost for the group is reflected as-is for each individual members. Each individual is more interested in the total amount he/she has spent rather than the total…
74 votesUpdating this as it’s been a while. We still definitely want to improve this as a way to share your balances offline. Leaving this open for further voting and comments.
See who owes who in App
It's annoying to see you still owe someone some money but cant remember what is it about. The app should be able to breakdown who owes who like the one on the website, including the ability to choose to simplify the total money or not.
1 voteCan you be more specific about which breakdown you are referring to? (screenshot would be awesome).
add a feature
- to import from with groups,friends ad their expenses.
1 voteIf we get enough votes, we’ll look into this.
Set default currency for groups instead of profile
At the moment the default currency option is tied with your profile. It would be better if it used a default currency for a certain group, and then let the user change it if they wish.
I.E. I live in Australia so normally it would be best if I was paid in AUD, but since I am now staying long term in the US, I would rather be paid back in USD instead.
There is also no option to change the currency of a bill or payment.
309 votesI can definitely see how this would be useful for certain types of groups, especially travel. For now, you can always temporarily change your default currency from your account settings page (though I realize that’s not the best solution). Apologies for the trouble!
A ghost Entity
Another feature you could look at adding..
Scenario: 4 people in a house. Bob
goes on leave and should not be billed anything at all, but yet the old
records should remain.
At the easiest level, you could probably get a Ghost check box [not present in the house] on Bob's name and whenever you hit the Add Bill feature, Bob should be default unchecked.
Thanks!17 votesWe have a slightly different solution in mind, but it should handle this issue.
Aggregate Trip expenses
For trips category it makes sense to have a single chart/summary rather than having a month-wise one. With the month-wise one trips that go over the month-end are difficult to generate a report for.
18 votesThis is a great idea!