869 results found
Payments need proper highlight
I see the payments part unclear and almost invisible. Rather payments should be more highlights with some green LEDs if possible. Also I feel they should be right aligned and shown in negative values as in Bank statements.
1 voteI can see how this type of view would be helpful and easy to read. We’re always looking at ways to improve our users experience. I’ll bring this up with the team at our next company meeting and see if it’s something we can get on the schedule.
Events rather than bills
It would be easier if you added an "events" category, for situations when several persons pay for the same event.
In my case, we hold several times a week big dinners in a shared household. Let's say we are 10 having dinner, I'll go groceries shopping for 40 €, my friend Paul will buy bread for 4 € and my friend Sarah will buy meat at the butcher's for 60 €. Right now, I need to add three bills for one single dinner, copying each time the same information about participants and number of shares. I'dd much rather add an…9 votesWe’re about to make some big changes when it comes to how groups interact with our one on one friendships. These changes will help ease the pain of the situation you’re describing.
I think that being able to tag things (like this dinner) without having to create a group or add it 3 times would be great.
allow for multimonth spending analysis
pull metrics from multiple months of spening
1 voteI think this would be extremely helpful for people, and something I’d love to see done in the future. I’ll bring it up with our team and see when we can fit it on the schedule.
Make a show math option.
I think there should be a way to see how the math works out for everyone, because me and my roommates get very confused every once in a while.
17 votesShowing the breakdown of the simplification is something that we are going to be doing in a future update. I agree that showing how we got the totals we did within the debt simplification would be extremely helpful to our users (and myself!)
allow a recurring settle up a reminder
Would be nice if you could set up a recurring reminder to settle up once a month. I.E., on the first of the month it would send out an email with the total you owe and to who.
22 votesThis is a neat idea, and something I would find useful too. I’ll bring it up with my co workers at our next meeting to see if/when we can stick it on the schedule.
"settle up" suggestion
I think it would be great if, at some point in the month, maybe the end, you could just click a button to settle everyone up - aka everyone goes back to zero.
Sometimes my roommates and I decided we're all settled up and don't want to go about putting who paid who and deal with change and what not.
It would be great to just decide, "we're settled up" so that every thing went back to zero and the non-simplified version of debts could restart from scratch,
4 votesThis is an interesting idea, and one I could see for people who want to quickly settle up and call it a day. I’ll bring it up with my co workers and see if it’s something we can fit on our schedule.
Leader and Slacker board
It would be nice to see who's been taking the heat and who's been slacking throughout the month and throughout the year. A graph to depict that would be awesome. this is typically helpful when people don't settle up when they are supposed to. Time value for money... etc.1 voteI think this is awesome. There’s nothing like shame to quickly make people pony up the money they owe! This is something that I’ll talk with my teammates and see if it’s something we can fit on the schedule.
Group settle
One thing i liked about Billmonk was that i could create random groups and did not have to send invites and link to others. Once I could create random groups i could easily shuffle debts between everyone in the group.. That was super convenient. Also on the fly I could remove and add users during the debt shuffle process.
I wish you could build something like that. It was much better user experience
4 votesWe are working on the way groups and friendships work together and we agree that expenses should be shuffled around between people to make peoples lives easier. Adding people to the debt shuffle is something we’ll talk about and see if it’s something we’d like to do.
be more descriptive in debt shuffling.
So I wanted you to add more information in the notes when debt is being shuffled between two parties. This info serves as a screenshot of how the net sum was accrued. I done think we need to go to the individual bill level. But it would be nice to have some thing in description that tells me the amount that I owed this person individually and in groups before the shuffle
4 votesI like the idea of the notes, I could see it being very helpful to our users. We have some ideas for improving the simplified debt feature that we do, and this is something we’ll talk about adding.
Give an Option to Assign a Billing Period to Bills
I have all these monthly bills for TV, internet, electricity, water, Vonage, etc., and it's really difficult for me to keep track of:
1. Did I pay the bill?
2. Did I add it to splitwise
3. Did my roommates reimburse me for itI think if I could assign a billing period to each bill, it would be easy for me to see if I'm missing any bills for say, Time Warner. I'd love to be able to click on an annual calendar and see which time periods have been paid for each bill.
It would also be helpful…
10 votesI think the option of having reminders as the form of a blank expense that you have to fill out is an interesting way to remind someone to pay a bill.
We are planning on being able to add an amount to a direct expense (so you can track if that cable bill got paid or not, and who shelled out for it).
Set expense/bill priority.
It would be great to be able to set certain expenses by priority. For example, some household utility bills need to be paid ASAP, where as beer money, and some misc. expenses are not so urgent.
If you could set a priority to bills, then it may be possible to see which bills need to be payed asap, and which ones can wait a while.
This feature is very handy for people that have to be tight with money and can pay only what they have to first.
1 votePutting priority on bills is a great idea. We are moving towards being able to apply payments to specific expenses for better tracking, but I like the idea of visibly showing which ones need to get paid vs the not as important drug store run. I’ll bring it up with my teammates and see if it/when it’s something we can get on our schedule.
Make Payment/Bill Due Date Sub Totals (Due now, Due next week, Upcoming bills etc.)
Make it possible to add bills and set the due date for payments, then display a sub total of overdue payments.
Currently overdue bills are grouped into the total for bills that will be paid in the future. It would be great if the bill owner could set a due date for the bills, so the payees could then see a sub total of overdue bills, bills coming up, and total bills owed. This could be achieved with a filter on the web app, and integrated into the phone apps later.
Reminders could then also be automated, and much more…
133 votes -
have a bar chart on total balance per person
The bar chart should show one bar showing total balance for all bills/ payments recorded for some period of time. The bills and payments should include both group and individual expenses for each friend. its really difficult to figure out wat was the total amount owed and how it got there.
8 votesI could see how showing a graph like that being helpful for easy readability.
We’re actively working towards making our groups and relationships work better together and easier to manage. I’ll bring this up with the team and see if/when it can be added to the schedule.
Upload image to bill by url
Love that you can upload images against expenses, but would love to be able to simply add an image by copping the URL of the image.
For example, i take the photo on my android phone and it is uploaded to Google+ instant upload. From there i can open the photo and copy the URL source of the photo. This saves so much time and saves me from having extra hard copies of the photo on my computer, while also allowing me to upload a photo from any computer as the photo is stored on the web.
7 votesBeing able to enter a URL when trying to add a photo seems like a really neat idea. I could see how not having to carry around a copy of the file would make lives easier when trying to input bill pics. I’ll bring it up at our next meeting and see if it’s something we’d like to do and when it can fit on our roadmap.
allow us to save the "Settle up" "Simplify debts" summary as a PDF.
The "Simplify debts" works great and is what i'd like to email to the group rather than the full summary PDF.
4 votesThis is an interesting proposal, and one I could see useful with people inside the groups. I’ll talk with my co workers at our next meeting to see if/when we can get that on our road map.
Put in an extra column for CUMULATIVE expenses
Now when I view IOUs/bill listings b/w any friend and me, I am only able to view the value of that particular bill, but not the cumulative cost (till that point). The only cumulative number I find is at the top of the page, but that is not helpful in case I want to find out how that number came about over different months. Plus, of course, the graph view only works for the current month! It'd be great if you could address these issues ASAP.
2 votesWe’ve gotten some recent requests for the cumulative amount of peoples tabs lately. I think this is a great idea, and one that we’ll be discussing on how to implement in the near future.
We do also plan on letting our users see the history of our graphs in the future also.
Detailed bill summary
In a apartment or home group, where the names are listed who owes what, you should be able to tap their names and see a detailed summary of exactly what they owe per bill
9 votesWe plan on making the amounts that people owe easier to read and better organized down the road. I really like the idea of clicking on the name and having it shuffle so you only see what their amounts are.
Discount Coupons
Can you guys try and add discount coupons for the items which I buy frequently ( Which you can m/c learn from my shopping history ) from the shops ( drop down menu of shops in my locality ? ) which I shop from often in my locality ? I understand that's a lot of work to do. But just thought if implemented will also get you some constant revenue ?
5 votesI think this is awesome! I’d love to see us be able to connect with retailers and have them give out coupons based on purchases. I’ll bring this up with my team and see if it’s something we’d like to consider long term.
4 Weeks doesn't = 1 Month
The app has a small flaw. When you say monthly in your app.. you tend to mean every month from the 4th to the 4th for example.. However my bills are every 4 weeks which is not quite every month. It would be good to have an option which says every 4 weeks as well as every month that way we know and can set alarms for each due date. Another handy thing would be to be able to set up different reminders for each person for the same bill. IE she gets paid fortnightly and I get paid monthly…
9 votesI can see how this would throw a wrench in your billing cycle. I’d personally like our users to be able to custom pick reminder dates, and it’s something we’ve talked about internally. I’ll bring it up at our next meeting and see if/when we can get that on our schedule.
Disable Debt Simplification
An option to disable debt shuffling within friends.
83 votesDebt simplification can be disabled in groups on the group settings screen – just turn the “simplify debts?” switch to off under “Advanced settings”.
We don’t currently have a setting to block yourself from debt simplifications among friends, but it’s something we may consider in the future. In the meantime, you can revert a debt simplification at any time by deleting any part of it, and the entire transaction will be undone.