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869 results found

  1. car sharing

    I bought a used car that I use to commute to and from work. My boyfriend will soon be without a car and will use my car whenever he needs to drive somewhere on the weekend when I am not using it. Is there a calculator to determine how much each of us should pay towards insurance, upkeep, etc?

    12 votes
  2. Select a couple of the leading personal expense apps and make splitwise compatible, so that costs added on splitwise can automatically add

    Cross compatibility with a leading personal expense calculator app (e.g. IExpenseit ) would exponentially increase the value the app adds to life. Splitwise is great, but if you are tracking all expenses, you are constantly doing double handling.

    12 votes
    9 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion! I think it’s unlikely we’ll do this kind of integration, but I’ll leave this up to see if other people are interested in this idea. The main issue with this kind of integration is that it’s a very challenging design problem to figure out how to integrate with a budgeting app in a way that makes sense to people using it. Over the lifetime of Splitwise, we’ve discovered a lot of interesting things about how people think about splitting money. I’m not sure we’re up to taking on the same task for how people think about budgeting.


  3. Please support Hebrew as a language.

    Please support Hebrew language. Beside that it is great!

    12 votes
    6 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  4. 12 votes
    4 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  5. implement more sign in options etc Apple ID sign in

    you guys should implement Apple ID sign in on both web and mobile app

    12 votes
    1 comment  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  6. "equal share" option can exclude old house mates without removing them from group

    I live in a co-op house with 6 housemates and 10 older house mates. Some still visit but most are no longer living with us. The number of older housemates keeps growing over time, and sometimes we add friends to splitwise to balance all sorts of expenses.

    When I add an expense and select "share equally" I want it to charge only the active housemates. What happens is that it selects ALL the people in the group, and I need to manually uncheck them off until I have the group I desire. It would help if I could define a…

    11 votes

    I like the idea of the “sub-group” and see how it could be useful when it comes to bigger groups like that. I’ll bring this up at our next meeting and see if it’s something we can put on the schedule.

  7. Automatically Pull/Parse bill emails

    I would totally give you guys access to my email if you could grab PG&E statement emails and add those bill amounts automatically to Splitwise. Would be rad. They always have the same subject line ("Your PG&E Energy Statement is Ready to View") and the total is included in the email body.

    Love your app!

    11 votes
  8. friends profile pictures

    If i link my account to facebook / google i would expect that if my friends dont use this site or dont have a profile picture selected you would load it from those services. Why doesn't this happen?

    Also why aren't images being be pulled from my google address book?

    I saw the article about people being "scared away" by gravatar images. Couldn't you just include a small icon in the bottom coner showing where you got the icon from?

    11 votes

    We’d definitely like to work on better Facebook/Google contacts integration, including showing friends’ profile pictures. It hasn’t been a high priority because only a very small % of our users connect with FB or Google, but we’d still like to do it when we get a chance.

    The icon for Gravatar images is an interesting idea as well – I’ll pass that on. Thanks for the suggestion!

  9. Show the transaction date for person to person payments on the transaction list and in the transaction summary

    Currently, on the transaction list, person-to-person payments are correctly sorted by their payment dates, but instead of showing the date of the transaction there is just a $ sign. Bill payments show dates, but it would be handy to see the dates of these 'settle-up' transactions without clicking on them.

    Additionally, when you click on one of these transactions, the only way to see the transaction date is to go to 'Edit payment'. The transaction summary view only shows the date that the transaction was added to Splitwise.

    11 votes

    Sorry for the trouble! I’ve just added the date to the payment details screen on the web (though if the date of the transaction is the same as the date it was added, it will only show the date it was added). I’ll pass on your feedback about showing the date directly in the transaction list – if we decide to make that change, it will likely take a while longer to make it to web + iPhone + Android.

  10. show numbers of friends

    In Sweden we have a payment provider called "Swish" which lets you do direct bank transfers via mobile phone no. It would be awesome if you could actually see your friends numbers to be able to register a payment to them. This could also be solved by a free text box called "Payment information" where I could specify something like "Swish: +46733xxxx"

    For others that don't use this, it would also be good to be able to show the number so you could give them a call to settle up.

    11 votes

    Thanks for the suggestion! We’ve actually thought about something like this before – a text box to let people indicate how they’d like to get paid back (e.g. “Please send all payments via PayPal”, etc). It’s been on our list of possible improvements for a while, so I’ll bring it up again at our next meeting to remind people about it :)

  11. Allow setting a limit to how much someone can owe you and if it goes above it, keep sending reminders after regular interval.

    Lets say, a friend owes me monthly $50. If after couple of months he has still not paid up I should be able to set an upper limit to how much someone can owe me. If the limit is crossed, Splitwise should keep sending reminders after regular interval to my friend.

    11 votes
    3 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Hey Smaran, thanks for the suggestion! We’ve been thinking about ways to improve our reminders, and I could see how this could be very useful, so I’ll pass on the idea at our next design meeting.

  12. Report improvement

    We are use splitwise to track apartment expenses (we are a group living in a shared apartment). So rental takes up most of the area on the chart.

    I would like to request a feature - enabling / disabling items from reports charts.

    This would give the user more control, and give a clearer trends analysis.

    Apart from that - great work guys and an awesome feedback system.

    Thanks and keep up the good work :)

    NOTE: It would be nice If i could attach a file here (especially a picture) - its available in "contact support", why not here?

    11 votes

    Thanks for the suggestion! I can see how that would be useful, and we’d definitely like to provide better flexibility in our charts and graphs in the future.

    Re: attaching a picture, sorry for the trouble! We use UserVoice for our support emails and forums, and unfortunately I don’t think they support attaching files to forum posts yet. Hopefully in the future!

  13. 11 votes
    6 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  14. Add a Round Up button

    It'd be nice to have a Round Up! button. In Malaysia, the smallest amount you can pay is RM0.05, not RM0.01 anymore.

    11 votes
    2 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Sorry for the trouble! Yep, there are a few other currencies that work this way too – I’m not sure when we’ll get around to rounding off those currencies, but we know it’s somewhere we can improve. In the meantime, apologies for the inconvenience!

  15. Allow login to multiple splitwise accounts

    I have a splitwise account for US and 1 for India so I can easily work with my friends back home in settling up birthday gifts and charity work. It would be great if I can have both the splitwise accounts login able for my phone app easily so different currencies balance from different account would show up.

    11 votes
    0 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Hi there,

    Multiple accounts is very difficult to build on our end, so we’re not likely to implement that. We do our best to allow you to create separate groups and use multiple currencies, etc whenever you need to from the same account.

    If you have any complaints about the way that works, feel free to email us in private at

    If you’d like to merge your two Splitwise accounts and keep both emails attached, please email us at and we can also do that for you! As of just a couple weeks ago, we’ve created the ability to support multiple email addresses on the same account, which you can access from your user settings.

  16. Implement reverse payment direction for two people

    For both web an mobile, please implement a quick way to reverse the direction of a payment, when only two people are involved. Right now, if I select a person and click "Settle up" to record a payment, if I want to change the default me to him payment, I have to change both 'participants' instead of just clicking the arrow.

    11 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  17. Make "Add a Bill" a floating action button

    Currently, if I'm scrolling through old transactions and want to add a bill, I have to scroll back up to the top of the page to hit the "Add a Bill" button. If this were a FAB I could add a transaction from anywhere in the history.

    11 votes
    2 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  18. Payment Not Categorized Correctly

    For the expense Incurred in the month, we make payment or receive payment. These are recorded as Payments. When you go to all Expense, Under View Trends and View Chart details, it will show the expense for that month. There will be a total row which includes the payments made/received during that month. These settlements are part of the earlier expense made which are included in the previous sub section due to which its getting double counted. So it would be nice if a sub total be included before the payment and then another total including payment if needed.


    11 votes
  19. 11 votes
    378 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for your suggestion!
    We send these emails for your security and you should only get them when signing in to your account. If you stay logged in and visit your account from the same device/browser you won’t get an email for every visit.
    These emails are a relatively new feature and we appreciate the feedback. I’ll leave this open for now.

  20. 11 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →



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