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  1. Events rather than bills

    It would be easier if you added an "events" category, for situations when several persons pay for the same event.
    In my case, we hold several times a week big dinners in a shared household. Let's say we are 10 having dinner, I'll go groceries shopping for 40 €, my friend Paul will buy bread for 4 € and my friend Sarah will buy meat at the butcher's for 60 €. Right now, I need to add three bills for one single dinner, copying each time the same information about participants and number of shares. I'dd much rather add an…

    9 votes

    We’re about to make some big changes when it comes to how groups interact with our one on one friendships. These changes will help ease the pain of the situation you’re describing.

    I think that being able to tag things (like this dinner) without having to create a group or add it 3 times would be great.

  2. Average balance of a user

    Add a stat which shows a user's average balance. This will actually imply monetary behaviour of a user over a period of time (and hence his generosity or lack of it). It's an easy to implement and yet cool feature.

    9 votes
    1 comment  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Interesting idea! We definitely like encouraging people to be responsible about paying each other back :) We’ve also considered a graph of your total balance over time, which would accomplish some similar things. We’re a bit tied up with Android work at the moment, but I’ll add this to our list of possible future improvements.

  3. Easy switching for who is paying who when settling up

    I tend to lend money to my friends and use settle up option to record cash payments and keep a track of who owes what. When clicking settling up, it'd show from and to depending on who owes who (which is fine).

    What I think will help is an option to switch it (probably by clicking the arrow). As of now, I've to manually select it by clicking on the names and re-selecting it.

    9 votes
    6 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  4. Detect category in quick add

    detect category when added through quick-add. Doesnt work when you type taxi/food; but works for dinner. I now classify all food as dinner

    Ex: Dinner 50 & Groceries 100 works, but lunch 50 and taxi 100 doesnt

    9 votes
    2 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the message! We’ve definitely been meaning to improve our category detection for quick-add (and for normal bills, too) – I’m hoping we’ll get a chance to do that by the end of the year. Until then, sorry for the trouble!

  5. UI design tweak - "Are you sure?" confirmation popup before discarding yet-to-be-added bills.

    I click "Add a bill", start filling up the details. I accidentally click "Esc", which discards the popup in its entirety with all the details I filled (especially sad when this happens for Itemized bills).

    A simple popup "This bill hasn't been added yet, are you sure you want to discard?" would be a much loved (at least by me :))

    9 votes
    7 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Oh no, sorry for the trouble! I can definitely see how this would prevent some accidents :) I’ll add it to our list of possible web improvements – I don’t think we’re planning much web work in the very near future, but hopefully soon!

  6. Allow group admin to delay notifications until after all bills are added

    There's a lot of confusion when people start adding bills and the numbers owed keep changing. It would be better if we could all add our bills for a trip and then once that is complete, trigger the notifications. No need to get so many texts until a trip is all tallied.

    9 votes
    2 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Sorry for the trouble! We generally try to send notifications for expenses as soon as things happen, as most groups (apartments, etc) are used slowly over long periods of time, but I can see how this’d be useful in cases like yours.

  7. Sorting on Expenses

    Splitwise is an amazing website..Congratulation on building such a wonderful tool. .. I think you can add sorting on columns like person who paid expenses.. Sorting on expenses description and on other columns.. this helps when lot of people are involved in the group.

    9 votes
    4 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the details, Jitendra! I’ll pass on your suggestion. For now, you could try exporting your group to a spreadsheet, which would let you do some custom sorting. If you’d like to export to spreadsheet, just open your group page, then click the “Settings” icon at the top of the right sidebar and choose “Export as spreadsheet”. Hope that helps!

  8. Sorting categories

    It would be very useful to sort the categories by "most used".

    9 votes
    1 comment  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for your suggestion Matteo. We are about to add many more words to the autocategorization library which will hopefully speed the process of categorizing a bill up a bit. We can consider this for our next round of work on that feature.

  9. sync with Tripit

    retrieve trip data, people traveling and booked/payed plans from the tripit platform. this will reduce the effort of setting up a new splitwise trip a lot.

    9 votes
    2 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the interesting and new idea! We are generally cautious adding new integrations but if this becomes a popular request we will review the feasibility in more detail.


  10. to add support for 'fictional' users

    It would be cool to create groups with persons (or instances) who don't have a splitwise account. Just to keep track of it youselfs.

    for example.
    I keep my lunchtickets and fuel-tickets for my company en give them to them at the end of the month. but it takes my company some time to settle up the money. It would be cool to list those expenses and enter when the company payed me. So i can see how many money the company still owns me. But the company shall not have a splitwise account. It is just a 'group' for…

    9 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  11. Change the Settle All balances

    The option of "Settle All balances" seems to be confusing, instead of this, can we not record a cash payment. Alternatively, this option should be read only since it is automated. We have also noticed that this is getting added automated when we record a cash payment but doesnt get deleted when we delete the cash payment.
    Looking forward to hear back from you.

    9 votes
    0 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion. We do plan to improve this feature at some point. We will most likely not make it read only (adding things you can’t edit or delete is rarely a good thing). You can currently record a cash payment and avoid this. To do so, you must record a payment separately in each group you owe money in instead of making one payment for everything.


  12. Itemized Bills on mobile

    Please add the itemized split feature to iOS.

    9 votes
    under review  ·  1 comment  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  13. Set payer(s) in default split

    My partner and I share a bank account for common groceries. We live with a few other people so most of the time when we add an expense it is paid by the both of us 50/50 and split equally. Right now the default split does not allow to set default payers

    9 votes
    under review  ·  5 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  14. have a car pool calculator

    a car pool calculator where you can enter the amount and date you purchased fuel for the car, the calculator would split the bill according to the dates and number of people car pooling with you... that would be a very nice feature to add.

    8 votes

    We’ve discussed this kind of calculator internally a couple of times and haven’t yet figured out how costs should be broken down in a fair way. This would be nice to have, but I doubt we’ll have time to work on this in the near future. We’re a small team, so picking priorities is important :)

  15. Sort based on names

    It will be helpful if we can sort the payments based on name so that we can sort the payments made by each person along with the one who is reporting.

    8 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  16. have a bar chart on total balance per person

    The bar chart should show one bar showing total balance for all bills/ payments recorded for some period of time. The bills and payments should include both group and individual expenses for each friend. its really difficult to figure out wat was the total amount owed and how it got there.

    8 votes

    I could see how showing a graph like that being helpful for easy readability.

    We’re actively working towards making our groups and relationships work better together and easier to manage. I’ll bring this up with the team and see if/when it can be added to the schedule.

  17. 8 votes
  18. enable a user that he can export a list of expenses as PDF

    As a user I want to be able to export my expenses (all expenses, only expenses with a certain person or [especially] expenses from one trip) as a PDF file so that I can use this PDF as base for settling up with others (especially after a trip).
    For me as a user this really helps me to have a kind of "proof" that someone ows me money. Especially for trips where I suggest friends to use splitwise the first time, they might not be fully convinved yet and want to calculate on their own if the costs on splitwise…

    8 votes
    2 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Makes sense! We actually have an export-to-spreadsheet for individual friends and groups already (on web only). If you click the settings/gear icon at the top of the right-hand column, you should see an option to “Export as spreadsheet”.

    We’d definitely like to add a better, more human-readable version in the future, either as a PDF or just a printable webpage. Right now we’re more focused on Android and a few other things, but hopefully we’ll get around to it before too long!

  19. Allow user to see history of all their payments, expenses.

    Allow user to see a history of all their payments, expenses from all their groups in one place. Also include the groups that have been deleted. It makes easier to map it one on one with the bank account statement, from where the real money goes.

    8 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →

    Interesting idea! I’ll pass it on, but for now, you can do some of this already:

    - You can view all non-deleted expenses on the “All expenses” view
    - You can see an overview of deleted expenses from the history page (accessible on the web by clicking the flag in the middle of the top of the screen)

  20. Sort/Filter by Currency

    It would be great if we can filter the expenses by currency. If not then sort by currency is desirable. This would immensely help in managing the expenses with same currency

    8 votes
    3 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    I’ll pass on the suggestion! For now, you might want to try exporting as a spreadsheet (go to a friend/group, then click the settings icon at the top of the right column and choose “Export as spreadsheet”). You’ll then be able to sort or filter bills as you wish in Excel, Google Drive, or any other spreadsheet program.



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