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869 results found

  1. Drag and Drop

    Ability to drag and drop people from the friend list to the group. Drag a friend's name to a dedicated area to start creation of a shared bill/loan/debt. Also have the ability to drag and drop more friends to the bill being created

    10 votes

    This is a great idea, we’re going to be taking a look how how to integrate our friendships and groups better next week. We’ve usually gone the pull down tab method, but I think the idea of dragging and dropping would be really neat too!

  2. Email summary for the expenses

    If we can have the email summary for the expenses for all / some participants then it would be great.

    Please look in the email summary of Share-a-bill app for iphone for an example.

    10 votes
    3 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    We plan on making some more email reminder choices for groups in the near future. I can understand why in bigger groups going through each person and sending them a single email instead of the whole group could be frustrating.

  3. Give an Option to Assign a Billing Period to Bills

    I have all these monthly bills for TV, internet, electricity, water, Vonage, etc., and it's really difficult for me to keep track of:
    1. Did I pay the bill?
    2. Did I add it to splitwise
    3. Did my roommates reimburse me for it

    I think if I could assign a billing period to each bill, it would be easy for me to see if I'm missing any bills for say, Time Warner. I'd love to be able to click on an annual calendar and see which time periods have been paid for each bill.

    It would also be helpful…

    10 votes

    I think the option of having reminders as the form of a blank expense that you have to fill out is an interesting way to remind someone to pay a bill.

    We are planning on being able to add an amount to a direct expense (so you can track if that cable bill got paid or not, and who shelled out for it).

  4. Recurring expenses

    It would be nice to have the ability to have recurring payments be able to be posted earlier than 7 days. For example, I'd like to have rent post in the middle of the month as opposed to just 7 days before it's due. Maybe it can be stretched to 14 days/2 weeks?

    10 votes
    under review  ·  1 comment  ·  Admin →
  5. allow custom date range for charts

    allow charts to display info from more than just one month,
    for example past two months or past year

    10 votes
  6. Add Washington DC Renters Insurance Recommendation

    Add Washington DC Renters Insurance Recommendation

    10 votes

    I’ll pass on the suggestion! For now, your best bet is probably to check our statistics for Maryland or Virginia – numbers for the DC area may be slightly different, but that’s still a good estimate to work from.

  7. Make some modifications on the categories

    In the transportation category you have both the car subcategory and the Gas/fuel subcategory. I think the car subcategory should be renamed to tolls or road tolls. Because in a car trip those two are the ones that usually matter.

    Also in the Food and drink category the dinning out subcategory should be renamed to eating out because it is more generic. Or more interestingly adding a subcategory for each of the meals (Lunching out, breakfast out, snacks out) which would allow for a visual accounting of how much money is spent on each of the meals.

    10 votes
  8. Add a coffee icon

    Knife and fork icon doesn't really fit for all my coffee expenses.

    10 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion! I can definitely see how that would be handy – I have a pretty serious coffee habit myself :) I’ll add it to our list of possible additions for the next time we revise our categories.

  9. Give an easy way to type shop names / descriptions

    I tend to use Description to enter the shop name, or service provider for the bill. This means that I tend to have several bills over time for the same shop / provider, eg. for household builds, local shops, etc.
    It would be nice if 1) either I could enter a shop name separate from description and/or 2) have an auto-complete on shop name and/or description based on previously entered expenses. That would speed things up even more!!

    10 votes
    1 comment  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion! Auto-complete is one of those things that we’ve wanted to do for a while, but never found the time to actually implement – it’s definitely something we’re considering for the future, though. I’ll pass on your thoughts about a separate “shop name” field, as well :)

  10. Add email confirmation

    After lots of confusion over why Splitwise was not working, and why my online account did not match my phone, I realized my email account in Splitwise on my phone had a typo, so all funds sent to me was going nowhere. You should require email confirmation on the mobile app! Security concern!! It should also be possible to have multiple emails associated, i.e. One account email and another associated with a paypal account.

    10 votes
    2 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Very sorry for the trouble!! I know in the past we’ve tried to keep registration as lightweight as possible, since many people use Splitwise very casually, but I can imagine how confusing it’d be to have payments sent to a wrong address. I’ll pass on your suggestion at our next planning meeting.

  11. Graphic development

    Develop new icons for each expense! Like coffee, rent, laundry...!!

    10 votes
    3 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  12. Have no one pay

    An option to make it so everyone owes the group for a bill. I.e. No one lent the money, the entire group needs to pay rent.

    10 votes

    Sorry for the trouble! The best way to do this right now is to set up the bill so that everyone pays for their own share. Just tap on the button that says who paid, change the payer to “Multiple payers”, and then enter each person’s share, and the resulting bill should have no effect on your overall balances.

  13. Automate currency based on location

    I travel a lot and have to remember to set my default currency at the beginning and end of every trip, or alternatively change currency with every expense added (yawn!). Would be great to have the OPTION of location awareness. If turned on it would choose the currency of whatever country I'm in and perhaps a simple override button to use my default currency.

    10 votes
    0 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  14. Add localization for Ukraine.

    I can translate the application.

    10 votes
    0 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  15. plaintext

    It would be great if it was possible to export reports in the ledger format (

    10 votes
  16. 10 votes
    3 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  17. Subtract reimbursments from total group spending

    I find it very handy to be able to add reimbusments in the web app, for when a group gets external money that has to be split between members. Thanks for that feature.

    What's unfortunate is that the reimbursment entry is added to the total group spending, which does not make sense, because the total group spending should be lowered by any amount of money that comes from outside the group. The way it is now, the total group spending number loses any meaning if you add reimbursments.

    I know reimbursments are a very small feature but for some use…

    10 votes
  18. please triple the photo dimensions

    What is the point of taking a photo of the receipt if the text is too small to read on the end result? This is a problem right now as the photo is way to small when clicking on the thumbnail to display the original.

    If this has been scaled down on the mobile phone to save network traffic when uploading, then please add a admin option to let the user upload large-scaled(high-traffix) images. Otherwise there is no real value in this function.

    If the images has not been scaled down on the mobile phone, and you have a larger…

    9 votes

    There are some annoying technical limitations to our photo size. At some point we’ll fix this, but it’s not simple enough to put together easily at the moment.


  19. 4 Weeks doesn't = 1 Month

    The app has a small flaw. When you say monthly in your app.. you tend to mean every month from the 4th to the 4th for example.. However my bills are every 4 weeks which is not quite every month. It would be good to have an option which says every 4 weeks as well as every month that way we know and can set alarms for each due date. Another handy thing would be to be able to set up different reminders for each person for the same bill. IE she gets paid fortnightly and I get paid monthly…

    9 votes

    I can see how this would throw a wrench in your billing cycle. I’d personally like our users to be able to custom pick reminder dates, and it’s something we’ve talked about internally. I’ll bring it up at our next meeting and see if/when we can get that on our schedule.

  20. Detailed bill summary

    In a apartment or home group, where the names are listed who owes what, you should be able to tap their names and see a detailed summary of exactly what they owe per bill

    9 votes
    0 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    We plan on making the amounts that people owe easier to read and better organized down the road. I really like the idea of clicking on the name and having it shuffle so you only see what their amounts are.



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