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869 results found

  1. Help answer the question: "Who should pay for this meal?"

    I'm out to lunch with a subset of my friends. The bill arrives, we're all on Splitwise, but we're not sure who should pay to lower the overall balance on our Splitwise group, i.e. who owes the most at the table.

    Via the Balance tab I can see the answer to this if everyone is present, but there are always a few people missing. I'd like to click "Who should pay?", check the boxes for everyone present, and get an immediate answer.

    8 votes
    4 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    We’ve actually talked about this idea before – we think it’s a very neat concept, but we’re not sure if it merits inclusion in the core Splitwise app, since a lot of Splitwise users actually don’t use Splitwise in this way. However, it’s a great idea for a separate app, either from us in the future or from a 3rd-party developer using our API ( Maybe someday! :)

  2. Paid by filter

    there should be a filter option in group by which a person can see his detailed expense history with other members of the group individually.

    8 votes
    1 comment  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion, and sorry for the trouble! For now, your best bet might be the “printable summary” view for groups on our website, which lets you see a detailed list of expenses and how much each person paid. I’ll pass on your thoughts at our next design meeting.

  3. Allow two (or more) currencies

    When breaking down costs abroad, it would be great to have the currency for the country you're in (eg. Euros) and also the conversion for your home currency (eg. GBP). That way you can see what you're spending (or owed) in the foreign currency but also in your home currency with an updated exchange rate. It's great you are able to convert the currency in the pro version, but being seeing both currencies would be a great advantage.

    8 votes
  4. Allow Deposits to be maintained.

    Eg. If A and B paid 2500 and 1500 for Deposit (of anything) and B takes back the entire 4000, Then B owes A - 2500.

    8 votes
    2 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  5. Support non-US date formats


    Can I suggest you add support for non-USA date formats. Only the USA uses MM/DD/YYYY (^1), so it would be nice to be able to choose to show dates as YYYY-MM-DD and DD-MM-YYYY as well. Ditto for the first day of the week being Sunday in the calendar: the international standards have Monday as the first day of the week.



    8 votes
    2 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  6. Use title of group for venmo note when settling expenses with venmo

    instead of using the default "For expenses on"

    8 votes

    This is a good suggestion. We’ll bring it up and see if the group’s name makes a better default for the majority of our users. Fortunately you can always change this in the payment settings in the meantime.

  7. 8 votes
    3 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Bitcoin is not often used on Splitwise but we would like our currency handling to be better as some currencies do not even have decimal points and some countries use commas. We’ll add this to the list of ways to make currencies more flexible but it’s not possible to say at this time when we’ll be able to implement it.

  8. Partner with Indian payment banks.

    Please partner with some Indian payment banks, so that we can settle up in the splitwise app itself. Paying via cash or bank transfer are just to painstaking

    8 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion! We’d definitely like to add international support for making money transfers more directly through the Splitwise app. Hopefully that’s something we can include in a future update!

  9. You have a typo in your German Ad-Blocker text :)

    Wrong text: "Bitte unterstütze Splitwise, indem du deinen Freunden on uns erzählst!"

    Correct text: "Bitte unterstütze Splitwise, indem du deinen Freunden von uns erzählst!"

    ("on" should be "von")

    8 votes
    13 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  10. Expecting summary of individuals spends.

    Expecting summary of individuals spends.

    8 votes
    2 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  11. Seperate activity page for each group

    I would like to have a separate activity page for each group. I am part of four different groups. Whenever someone adds any transaction in one of the group, I can see that in my activity tab of Splitwise. It becomes really hard to understand when there are common people in between different groups. I will be happy if each group can have it's own activity page. It will make life more easier. I hope you will consider my request. Thanks in advance.

    8 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion! Your recent activity notifications should indicate which group the notification refers to, but I can see how things might get confusing if you have a lot of activity in multiple groups. I’ll leave this open for further voting for now.

  12. Post Edit individual unequal split receipts

    Ability to post edit unequal bill splits for all users. After scanning receipt and individually selecting items for split i’d like to be able to go back and reselect individual items if i need to make adjustment also for others to be able to do the same.

    8 votes
    4 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  13. Demo

    Can you provide a minor demo or a youtube video that will help viewers get a feel of the app without signing up?


    7 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →

    Great idea. We’re planning to roll out a design update to the website in the near future, and we’ll probably put together a demo video sometime after that update has been released.

  14. Upload image to bill by url

    Love that you can upload images against expenses, but would love to be able to simply add an image by copping the URL of the image.

    For example, i take the photo on my android phone and it is uploaded to Google+ instant upload. From there i can open the photo and copy the URL source of the photo. This saves so much time and saves me from having extra hard copies of the photo on my computer, while also allowing me to upload a photo from any computer as the photo is stored on the web.

    7 votes

    Being able to enter a URL when trying to add a photo seems like a really neat idea. I could see how not having to carry around a copy of the file would make lives easier when trying to input bill pics. I’ll bring it up at our next meeting and see if it’s something we’d like to do and when it can fit on our roadmap.

  15. Adjust bar length in dashboard according to currency rates

    I currently have both Dollars and Korean Wons in my Dashboard. Sadly, the bars of the dollar amounts are tiny, since they are overwhelmed by the 20,000 Wons. Interestingly enough, 20,000 Wons are just $20. You should do currency conversion and adjust the sizes accordingly.

    7 votes
    1 comment  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Sorry about this! We know the dashboard bar graph isn’t that great if you use multiple currencies – improving that is on our to-do list, but not very high priority, since very few of our users use multiple currencies. Still, we hope to update it at some point!

  16. Overpay&Split

    4 friends chipping in money to buy say beer. They don't know yet how much it will cost. A pays $40, B pays 10, C pays 20 and D pays nothing. B goes with 70 bucks and ends up buying a case of beer for 60 bucks. How can they split equally using the app?

    If you've had this scenario in the past, vote for this!

    7 votes
    0 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
  17. View detailed "who owes who" in printable summary.

    Sometimes (if someone doesn't use splitwise) you should at least mail/copy/give them all information about the calculation so it would be great to provide the simplified amounts of the entire group like displayed in the web (view full details) and app (in balances).

    This could also be helpful in the mail reminders optionally.

    7 votes
    2 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the suggestion! I can definitely see why that would be useful :) I’ll pass on your suggestion at our next team meeting, and see if we can add it to our to-do list.

  18. Viewing printable summary

    Please add a feature to view the summary in a single list.
    Currently if expenses are spread across different months, there are different summary links for each month. I couldn't find a way to view the full summary via a single link.This would be helpful if a gr
    Please add this

    7 votes
    2 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Good suggestion! We’ve talked about adding a date range to both the export and the monthly summary – it’s never quite made it to the top of the to-do list, but hopefully it will sometime soon. In the meantime, I’m sorry for the delay!

  19. Friends name on iPhone Notification

    Its a suggestion that the iPhone notification should display the friends name who adds/modifies any expense. For now the notification shows just the amount and title of the expense which is confusing sometimes when one has too many friends. it doesn't tells me who added the expense.

    7 votes
    2 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Push notifications can only have 200 characters, so it can be a little tricky to get names in there in addition to bill info. We are considering this, though.

    As of last week, when you tap a push notification it’ll take you right to the expense in question (not just to the Home screen) which should help you be less confused.


  20. itemised friend balance, with cumulative balance

    When I click on a friend, I see total balances for the group that that friend is in, as well other expenses.

    Would it be possible to get an itemised list for all entries involving that friend regardless of which group the expense occurred in, but excluding any group entries that don't involve that friend?

    On such an itemised list, I would also like to see a column representing cumulative balance with that friend, so I can look back along that column to see when the balance with that friend was last zero.

    7 votes

    I’ll pass on the suggestion! Unfortunately, there are some factors that make this tricky – for instance, for groups that use the “Simplify debts” setting, breaking down someone’s balance on an expense-by-expense basis isn’t very straightforward. (With “simplify debts” on, it’s possible to owe someone even if you’ve never shared an expense together!) Still, we’d definitely like to get better at explaining your total balance with a person, and this could help with that :)



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