Silvia Marmol
My feedback
17 results found
19 votes
Thanks for the feedback! This is something we will consider.
36 votes
I really like this idea, and can see why people would want it (including myself who needs to organize everything obsessively by time). We’ve talked about doing this and think it’s a good addition, but it will be a little bit before we can get it in there.
7 votes
Interesting idea! I’ll leave this under review for now.
Silvia Marmol shared this idea · -
79 votes
Thanks for the suggestion! Our website currently has a few more advanced charts and graphs (totals by category, printable monthly summaries), and our iPhone app has a few basic charts as of v4.0 (group totals, export as spreadsheet). We’re hoping to bring similar features to Android soon, and to add more features as time goes on :)
27 votes
We do plan to integrate more payment methods beyond paypal, but will be doing it based on how many votes it gets on the forum here.
36 votes
Interesting. I haven’t seen this yet. It’s unlikely we’ll be able to support this as our control over how the PayPal code works is limited, but it’s definitely worth looking into.
80 votes
104 votes
Thanks for the suggestion! Yep, this definitely makes sense – right now, we auto-detect certain words like “dinner”, but we don’t do any intelligent matching based on your past expenses. I’m not sure how technically involved this would be, but I’ll add it to our list of possible improvements for the future :)
Silvia Marmol supported this idea · -
87 votes
Makes sense! Ideally, I think we’d like to add the ability to include pictures in comments, which would let you add as many pictures as you want for an expense. This hasn’t made it on to our roadmap yet, but hopefully it’s something we can consider in the future.
Silvia Marmol supported this idea · -
95 votes
Wanted to let you know that Splitwise is now supported on Zapier, a platform very similar to IFTTT:
Unfortunately we have been unable to make gains re: being added to the IFTTT platform. Thanks for your patience.
Silvia Marmol supported this idea · -
133 votes
Budgets definitely make a lot of sense. They’re not a feature on our roadmap yet (we’re a tiny team, and still focused on other improvements), but hopefully they’re something we can work on in the future.
Silvia Marmol supported this idea · -
133 votesSilvia Marmol supported this idea ·
22 votes
This is a neat idea, and something I would find useful too. I’ll bring it up with my co workers at our next meeting to see if/when we can stick it on the schedule.
Silvia Marmol supported this idea · -
359 votes
We agree that managing recurring bills could be better. Currently, the way to edit recurring bills is to change the most recent copy and that will change ones that follow. It will not affect the past expenses.
We’re considering how to improve this, and will leave this under review for now.Silvia Marmol supported this idea · -
501 votes
Splitwise has some basic support for this now, depending on what you’re looking for. We now support multiple email addresses for a single account, so you can more easily share one account with multiple people.
However, we won’t automatically adjust how much you should owe as a “couple”. For example, if “Bob” adds an expense with “Sue and John’s Couple Account”, then the bill will be split 50/50 between those two Splitwise accounts. I can definitely see how it would be useful to automatically make Sue and John pay for 2 shares, but we’re unlikely to add that feature in the near future. For now, you can still work around this by manually using the “Split by shares” option when adding a bill, and assigning 2 shares to the relevant account.
Silvia Marmol supported this idea · -
368 votes
Updating this because it’s been a while! We still haven’t added this to our roadmap.
As we mentioned we’ve found in testing that this behavior ends up confusing people, which is why we’ve chosen not to add it so far.We’ll continue to leave this under review for further voting and comments.
Silvia Marmol supported this idea · -
73 votes
Thanks for the suggestion!
We’ll leave this open for further voting for now.Silvia Marmol shared this idea ·