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869 results found

  1. Apply payment directly to expense/pay for individual items

    When a payment is made, you should be able to select the associated expense(s) & enter a $ amount to which expense the payment should be applied to.

    985 votes

    An update: we’re still not planning to add the concept of a payment for a specific bill or a specific expense. We’ve left this idea under review for many years, but we’re not convinced it’s the right idea for Splitwise. We think focusing on a total balance makes things simpler in most cases. This is also how a bank balance works.

    Here’s two potential work-arounds if you’re not satisfied:

    1. Let’s say you want to set things up so you can see if people have specifically paid for a certain bill, or for a certain month of expenses. You can create a group just for that bill or month – then, when viewing that group, you will only see balances owed from that specific bill or set of bills.

    2. Once you pay an amount and want to keep track of it being for a certain bill, you could use…

  2. Ability to use a calculator when entering bill

    When entering a bill, it would be handy if there's a quick plus button there so that I can add multiple items fast and easy.

    Currently there's an empty button on the number pad that shows up which I think could very well be used for simple plus/minus calculations.

    955 votes
    152 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    We just added a very basic calculator function to our web app, so you can now use basic mathematical operations when entering a cost (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). We hope to add similar features to our mobile apps at some point in the future!

  3. Windows 10 Universal App

    Please support Windows 10 by creating an official Splitwise universal app. A universal app is capable of running on ALL Windows 10 devices (desktop PCs, tablets, phone and Xbox) with one single set of code.

    901 votes
  4. Track Personal Expenses

    Can we improve this so that we can use this to track our personal expenses instead? Just have another option for bill that we pay for ourselves and then this will double as a personal expense tracker easily! This made it easier so that I don't need another app for tracking expense, especially when another person made the payment on my behalf :P

    835 votes

    We’d love to make Splitwise better for tracking personal expenses (though we’re mostly focused on splitting for the time being). For now, your best bet is probably to make a new group for personal expenses, with yourself as the only member.

  5. Allow custom categories

    User defined categories that do not fit into default categories

    669 votes

    We aren’t planing to add support for custom categories in the near future. We’re considering better ways to allow people to sort expenses into categories other than the ones we’ve provided. In the meantime, if there are particular important categories you feel are missing, feel free to email us with a suggestion at

  6. let people settle with bitcoins.

    I know I'm a nerd obsessed with bitcoin but it would be cool. Expensify,,, okcupid, and easyDNS have integrated with bitcoin so it's not as fringe as it may seem.

    Love your service by the way.

    647 votes

    We’re definitely considering Bitcoin! We think cryptocurrencies are fascinating (seriously, we’ve held a Providence meet-up about them), and it’s something on our list of possible improvements for the future.

  7. Add friends without email address or phone number

    I know that it might be a user acquisition choice, but it is very annoying to not be able to add someone with just their name (i.e. with no email address or phone, so that they don't receive an invite).
    I find that the user experience is affected a lot by this and I am switch back to another app because of this despite how good splitwise is overall.

    There are indeed several use cases where I would like to add people without contact details:
    - At a specific event, for example a party where I need to enter the…

    625 votes
    105 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for the detailed feedback – it’s always useful to hear, and I’ll pass it on :)

    One small feature you may not be aware of: on our website, Splitwise does allow you to add group members without email addresses, which hopefully helps for the “large party” scenario. My apologies that the same feature isn’t available on our mobile apps!

  8. Family/Couples' account

    When I was using Billmonk a few years ago, my wife and I started out with separate accounts, but since we share finances, often times we'd be repaying debts for one another (since we have the same friends) and it got confusing. My solution was to just turn my account into "Joe&Jane Smith" and have all our expenses go through one account and removed her account completely.

    I'm not sure the ideal implementation for this situation. Perhaps a "family account." Perhaps the ability to add multiple email addresses would work (but unlike a previous feature request, this application would be…

    501 votes

    Splitwise has some basic support for this now, depending on what you’re looking for. We now support multiple email addresses for a single account, so you can more easily share one account with multiple people.

    However, we won’t automatically adjust how much you should owe as a “couple”. For example, if “Bob” adds an expense with “Sue and John’s Couple Account”, then the bill will be split 50/50 between those two Splitwise accounts. I can definitely see how it would be useful to automatically make Sue and John pay for 2 shares, but we’re unlikely to add that feature in the near future. For now, you can still work around this by manually using the “Split by shares” option when adding a bill, and assigning 2 shares to the relevant account.

  9. Edit friends name.

    I want to edit the name of my friend as I want it so that i can distinguish between them and find out who he is looking at his name as some of my friends have the same name it is really becoming tough for me.

    463 votes

    I can see how this would be a huge help for people who have many friends with the same name who refuse to add their last name to their accounts! This isn’t on our roadmap yet, but it’s something we’ll consider in the future.

  10. is it possible to integrate UPI (UNIFIED PAYMENT SYSTEM) for Indian users ??

    UPI is a payment method introduced in India to transact between users and organisation. it would simplify the transactions between users if that can be integrated to Splitwise ✌

    458 votes
    111 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Thanks for suggesting UPI as a payment method. We’re looking into UPI, and would like to know your thoughts on how you’d like Splitwise to support UPI:

    - Integrate with a UPI app like BHIM or PhonePe
    - Integrate with your banking app
    - Let you send money to a virtual address, phone #, or IFSC from within Splitwise
    - Something else?

    Please let us know in the comments!

  11. user may opt to clear recent activity

    let the user decide whether recent activity need to be cleared.

    425 votes
  12. Bank account details somewhere/anywhere

    Hi. Liking this service so far.

    Its nice keeping track of debts, however, it is not much use not knowing how to pay it. (Not everyone uses paypal).

    In UK and Australia, someone just needs bank account details to do a transfer. Would be nice either to have one or all of the following:

    1. My own account details available for my friends to see. Even if not in their own fields, maybe in a "other info" memo type field.

    2. Or be able to put my own comments on my friends so I can make a note of their account details.…

    419 votes
    161 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    Storing bank account #s is unfortunately tricky, as there are some serious security concerns around bank #s here in the US and in some other countries. Still, we’d like to do it if possible. It’s not on our roadmap yet, but we’re definitely considering it for the future.

  13. Integrate with

    Is there anyway you can make Splitwise interface with I understand this might be a weird idea because Splitwise is not a bank :) But mint is a great app to keep track of monthly expenses. It tracks the expenses from the bank account. I keep thinking how great it would be if somehow my Splitwise account could be registered in That would make the data in mint so much more usable for me. All the proper transactions from Splitwise can be available there.

    I say this because mint fails now because of situations like when I pay…

    387 votes
  14. Post a bill only once the posted date for the bill has arrived

    When I enter a date for a bill, I want it such that the totals are updated only once the bill date has arrived. Like for example if my friend before posting the bill owed me $0. Now if I post a shared bill for say $50 and I have kept its date as 5 days in the future. I want the app to reflect that my friend owes me $25 5 days in the future, not immediately. Right now, the way the app works is that, it would have reflected that my friend owes me $ 25 right now.

    368 votes

    Updating this because it’s been a while! We still haven’t added this to our roadmap.
    As we mentioned we’ve found in testing that this behavior ends up confusing people, which is why we’ve chosen not to add it so far.

    We’ll continue to leave this under review for further voting and comments.

  15. Managing recurring expenses

    Our monthly electricity bill went up by a couple of euros, so I needed to change the recurring expense that I had setup for this. Although this is possible the process is a bit confusing. I'd suggest providing an overview of scheduled recurring expenses, separate from the list of expenses that have already been created as a result from these schedules, which is what I was looking for because I didn't really want to touch any previous expenses.

    359 votes
    62 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →

    We agree that managing recurring bills could be better. Currently, the way to edit recurring bills is to change the most recent copy and that will change ones that follow. It will not affect the past expenses.
    We’re considering how to improve this, and will leave this under review for now.

  16. Make Plates for Android.

    The iOS app is gorgeous and I'm jealous.

    350 votes
    38 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →

    Thanks Jesse, couldn’t agree more. In fact, I’m up-voting this too :) As the Splitwise team’s big Android fan, I keep having to ask my friends to go download Plates so we can use it. Plates for Android is definitely something we want to do, but we’re juggling a ton of priorities on the core app on both iPhone and Android right now. But for sure it’s on our minds, and thanks for submitting the suggestion!

    - Jon

  17. "A copy bill" function

    E.g. we get cable bill every month. Itemize it because different people want special features etc. Like 10 items typically in the bill. Usually the same but sometimes get PPV. Pain in the butt to re-enter every time. Should be able to copy a bill and use it as a foundation for a new bill.

    324 votes

    This is a neat idea! We have “reoccurring bills” but I can see how “duplicate this specific bill once, now” would be a useful functionality to add. We will consider this as we continue to improve Splitwise. Regards

  18. Set default currency for groups instead of profile

    At the moment the default currency option is tied with your profile. It would be better if it used a default currency for a certain group, and then let the user change it if they wish.

    I.E. I live in Australia so normally it would be best if I was paid in AUD, but since I am now staying long term in the US, I would rather be paid back in USD instead.

    There is also no option to change the currency of a bill or payment.

    309 votes

    I can definitely see how this would be useful for certain types of groups, especially travel. For now, you can always temporarily change your default currency from your account settings page (though I realize that’s not the best solution). Apologies for the trouble!

  19. Integrate Paytm with Splitwise

    You're building a great eco-system of applications and you guys are quite responsive to feedback. Congratulations for that !

    I was wondering if it was possible to integrate Paytm ( for payments with Splitwise. It will be a very convenient alternative for a lot of users.

    285 votes
    97 comments  ·  Web app  ·  Admin →
  20. 283 votes
    51 comments  ·  Mobile  ·  Admin →
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